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Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 1st month 21st 1882.
The committee on meeting house made a report which was satisfactory and are continued and directed to report in 9th month.
From an extract from the minutes of the Preparative Meeting, it apppears that Norman C. and Martha E. Averill request to be joined in membership with Friends with which the Meeting unites and they are received according. Jesse Beals and Elizabeth Burks are appointed to inform them of the action of this Meeting and report to next meeting.
Joseph Bones, having produced the following offering, which is accepted by this Meeting.
To Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends to be held 1st month 21st 1882:
Dear Friends, this is to certify that on a certain occasion I used language to Thomas McDaniel which was unbecoming for which I am sorry for which I ask his and your forgiveness and if I have been insubordinate to the Meeting or have slandered Thomas McDaniel's character, I also ask for your and his forgiveness.
Joseph Bones
(P 275) L. C. White and Henry D. Grewell are appointed to inform him of the action of the Meeting and report to next meeting.
By an extract from the minutes of Hesper Quarterly Meeting, this Meeting is directed to raise $18.20, its proportion of the Yearly meeting stock. W. D. Burks, B. P. Averill, Elizabeth Melton, Matilda Stewart and Charley Stewart are appointed to raise the amount and report to next meeting.
The business being disposed of, this meeting concludes.
Bethel P. Averill, Clerk
Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 2nd month 18th A.D. 1882.
The committee appointed in the case of informing Norman C. and Martha E. Averill of their acceptance report attended to.
The committee appointed to raise Yearly meeting stock report $18.25. They are directed to hand the same to the treasurer. He is directed to forward it to the treasurer of the Quarterly Meeting. The committee is continued and directed to report to next meeting.
The committee appointed to inform Joseph Bones of the action of this Meeting report attended to.
The queries addressed to this meeting were read with corresponding answers to them in writing which are directed to be forwarded to the approaching Quarterly Meeting by Q. M. Averill, H. D. Grewell and Joseph Bones whom we appoint as our representatives to attend Quarterly Meeting and report to next meeting with what may be given them in charge.
(P 276)
First Answer - Our meetings for worship and discipline have been attended with increasing interest and attendance. Unbecoming behavior discouraged and mostly avoided. The hour for meeting pretty well observed.
Second Answer - Most Friends appear to be preserved in Christian love one toward another. Talebearing and detraction discouraged and mostly avoided. When differences appear, endeavors are used to end them.
Eighth answer - We believe this query is complied with to a pretty good degree.
A missionary committee appointed at a former meeting to prepare certificates of membership produced one for Dayton Cook and Louisa his wife and Sylvia A. their minor daughter which was read and signed and directed to be forwarded to Spring River Monthly Meeting, Kansas.
Being no farther business, this meeting concludes.
B. P. Averill, Clerk
Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 3rd month 18th 1882.
The committee on Yearly Meeting stock report $1.00 dollar raised and placed in the hands of the Quarterly Meeting's treasurer. The same is continued to report in 4th month next.
The representatives to the Quarterly Meeting report they all attended except on. Not anything given them in care.
(P 277) By an extract from the Preparative Meeting, it appears that Horace Barnard has accomplished his marriage contrary to our discipline. Also from the same that Addison Barnard has accomplished his marriage contrary to our discipline. Jesse Beals and Thomas W. McDaniel are appointed to visit them on account thereof and report to next meeting.
The Preparative informs that Jonathan M. Grewell and Laura B. Grewell his wife request for themselves and their minor children Inez M. and Mirtle O. be joined in membership with us. Matilda Stewart, Louisa Updegraff, W. D. Burks and John Terrell are appointed to visit them on account thereof and report to next meeting.
The Friends to visit Rebecca Kenney reort they visited her to good satisfaction and she wishes to continue a minister with which this Meeting unites. Lydia Arnold is appointed to inform her thereof and report to next meeting.
Certificates were received from West Grove Monthly Meeting, _____ County, Indiana dated 2nd month 1882 for Elizabeth Griffin, Julia Griffin and Martha A. Griffin. Also one for Lydia M. Lily of same date and place. Elizabeth Burks and Harriet Grewell are appointed to inform them thereof and report to next meeting.
This meeting concludes.
B. P. Averill )
Martha Stewart) Clerks
(P 278) At Spring Grove Monthly Meeting held 4th month 15th 1882.
The clerks being absent, T. W. McDaniel and Louisa Updegraff were appointed clerks for the day.
The committee in case of A. S. and Horace Barnard report that A. S. Barnard resigned which this Meeting accepts and that Horace is not prepared to say what he will do. The committee is continued and directed to report at next meeting.
The committee in the case of Jonathan M. Grewell, Laura B. Grewell and their minor children Inez M. and Mirtle O. Grewell report that they had an opportunity with them to good satisfaction. The Meeting is satisfied with the report and they are received into membership. Martha E. Averill and Norman C. Averill are appointed to inform them of the action of the Meeting for their help and encouragement and report to next meeting.
The committee in case of Rebecca Kenney, not being present, the matter was continued to next meeting.
The committee in case of Elizabeth Griffin and family are not ready to report and are continued to report at next meeting.
Louisa Updegraff expressed a concern to visit in the love of the gospel some of the southern counties of this state with which this Meeting unites and encourages her thereto as truth may direct. Jesse Beals and Sarah Bones are appointed to prepare a minute and see that she is otherwise furnished and report to next meeting.
There being no farther business, this meeting concludes.
T. W. McDaniel )
L. E. Updegraff) Clerks for day
(P 279) Spring Grove Monthly meeting held 5th month 20th 1882.
One clerk not being present, L. E. Updegraff was appointed clerk for the day.
The following committee of Friends is appointed to confer with the Quarterly Meeting committee to consider the revision and reapportionment of elders and report to adjourned session: T. W. McDaniel, H. D. Grewell, L. E. Updegraff and Elizabeth Burks.
This meeting stands adjourned to 6th month 2nd at 10 A.M. 1882.
Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends adjourned from 5th month 20th 1882 to 6th month 2nd 1882.
The Women's clerk not being present, Louisa E. Updegraff was appointed clerk for the day.
The committee in case of Horace Barnard, not being ready to report, are continued and directed to report to next meeting.
The committtee to visit Jonathan M. and Laura B. Grewell to inform them of the action of this Meeting and their help and encouragement report attended to.
(P 280) The committee continued from last meeting in case of Rebecca Kenney reported united to good satisfaction,
The committee continued from last meeting in case of Elizabeth Griffin and family report attended to.
The committee appointed at last meeting to prepare a minute for Louisa E. Updegraff and see that she was also furnished report attended to.
The committee in case of Ella Hodson, formerly Durham, not being ready to report are continued and directed to report when ready.
The committee on meeting house directed in first month to report in fifth month reort favorably and are directed to seat the house at their discretion according to means and are directed to report in 12th month.
The queries addressed to this meeting were read with corresponding answers to them in writing which are directed to be forwarded to the ensuing Quarterly Meeting by Henry D. Grewell, Mary Beals, Norman C. Averill, Matilda Stewart and Thomas W. McDaniel whom we appoint as our representatives to attend Quarterly Meeting and report to next meeting of their attendance and with what may be given them in charge.
(P 281) Answers to Queries
First Ans. - All our meetings for worship and discipline have been attended by a few of our members. We believe the remainder of this query is complied with.
Second Ans. - Most Friends we believe are preserved in Christian love one toward another. Talebearing and detraction discouraged and mostly avoided. Some endeavors are used to end differences.
Eighty Ans. - We believe this query is complied with to a pretty good degree.
6th month 2nd 1882, the meeting of the Quarterly Meeting and Monthly Meeting committees upon the revision and appointment of elders, the following Friends are recommended for that position: Thomas W. McDaniel, Elizabeth Burks, Mary Beals, Sarah J. Bones, Lydia Arnold, Louis E. Updegraff, Warner D. Burks and Norma C. Averill.
(P 282) We being united with are appointed accordingly to that station. The clerk is directed to forward the above names to the Quarterly meeting of ministers and elders.
Board of caretakers: Quincy M. Averill, Sarah Bones, Charles Stewart, Louisa Updegraff, warner D. Burks and Zephaniah H. Bones are appointed as caretakers to the ensuing Quarterly Meeting and report to next meeting of their attendance.
The names of Norman C. and Martha E. Averill were added to the missionary committee.
The business being disposed of, the meeting then concluded.
Bethel P. Averill )
Louise E. Updegraff) Clerks
Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 6th month 17th 1882.
The committee in case of Horace Barnard, not being ready to report, are continued and directed to report when ready.
Our representatives report that they all attended Quarterly Meeting and that nothing was given them in charge.
(P 283) The Women's clerk resigns on account of not being able to attend to her duties and Louisa E. Updegraff was appointed in her stead for the ensuing year.
The caretakers report they all attended to their appointment at Quarterly Meeting.
In accordance with a request made by Quincy M. Averill to withdraw from the Society of Friends, the following committee is appointed to visit him on account thereof and report to next meeting: Jesse Beals, Henry D. Grewell, Lewis C. White, Harriett Grewell, Louisa E. Updegraff, Mary Beals and Matilda Stewart.
Henry D. Grewell and Norman C. Averill are appointed to bring foward the name of some suitable Friend to serve this Meeting as recorder of births and deaths.
There being no farther business, the meeting then concluded.
Bethel P. Averill )
Louisa E. Updegraff) Clerk
(P 284) Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 7th month 18th 1882.
The committee in the case of the resignation of Quincy M. Averill report they had an opportunityw ith him and he still desires to be released. The Meeting, not being ready to grant the request, the committee is continued and directed to report to next meeting.
The committee appointed at last Monthly Meeting to bring forward the name of some suitable Friend to serve this Meeting as recorder of births and deaths, not being ready to report, are continued and directed to report to next meeting.
The following committee is appointed to prepare a statistical report for this Meeting: Bethel P. Averill, Charles Stewart, Zephaniah Bones and Eli Henderson and are directed to report to next meeting.
All the business being disposed of, this meeting concludes.
Bethel P. Averill )
Louisa E. Updegraff) Clerk
(P 285) Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 8th month 19th 1882.
The clerk not being present W. D. Burks was appointed clerk for the day.
The committee in the case of the resignation of Quincy M. Averill report he still wishes to resign which this Meeting grants him.
The committee in case of recorder of births and deaths report the name of Norman C. Averill with which this Meeting unites and he is appointed accordingly. He is directed to report in seventh month next.
The committee on statistics, education and temperance, not being ready to report, are continued with the addition of John Stewart and directed to report to next meeting.
The following named Friends are appointed upon the subject of starting a Monthly Meeting: Matilda Stewart, Jesse Beals, Thomas W. McDaniel, Harriet Grewell, Louisa Updegraff and James A. Burks.
All of the answers were read and approved by this Meeting and directed to be forwarded to the ensuing Quarterly Meeting by Thomas W. McDaniel and James A. Burks who are appointed as our representatives and are directed to report to next meeting with what may be given them in charge.
(P 286) Answers to Queries
First Answer - We believe this query has been complied with to a pretty good degree.
Second Answer - Most Friends appear to be preserved in Christian love one toward another and we believe the remainder of this query is complied with.
Third Answer - We believe most Friends endeavor to comply with this query except in plainness of speach.
Fourth Answer - Friends generally appear to observe this query.
Fifth Answer - We know of no poor amongst us requiring aid.
Sixth Answer - We know of no cause of complaint under the several heads of this query.
Seventh Answer - We know of no cause of complaint in this query.
(P 287)
Eighth Answer - We believe this query is complied with to a good degree.
Annual Answers
First Answer - No meetings.
Second Answer - We have no schools.
Third answer -
Fourth Answer - This query has been complied with.
There being no farther business, this meeting concludes.
W. D. Burks )
Louisa E. Updegraff) Clerks
(P 288) Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 9th month 16th 1882.
The clerk not being present, Thomas W. McDaniel was appointed clerk for the day.
The committee on statistics and temperance report they have attended to their appointment.
The representatives report that they attended Quarterly Meeting and there was nothing given them in charge for this Meeting.
Our esteemed Friend James P. Kendle was very acceptably with us whose labors of love were edifying and encouraging.
Thomas W. McDaniel and John Stewart are appointed to propose to next meeting the name of a suitable Friend to serve this Meeting as treasurer and settle with the treasurer.
Business being disposed of, the meeting then concluded.
Thomas W. McDaniel )
Louisa E. Updegraff) Clerks
(P 289) Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 10th month 21st 1882.
The Friends appointed at last meeting to propose the name of a suitable Friend to serve this Meeting as treasurer, not being ready to report, are continued and directed to report to next meeting.
The committee appointed to visit Ella Hodson, formerly Durham, report she wishes to retain her right of membership which this Meeting grants her.
Harvey Hodson and Ella his wife ask for their certificate of membership transferred to Sterling Monthly Meeting. Lewis C. White and Louisa E. Updegraff are appointed to prepare the same for them and produce it to next meeting.
Business being disposed of, this meeting concludes.
Bethel P. Averill )
Louisa E. Updegraff) Clerks
(P 290) Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 11th month 18th 1882.
The committee continued at last meeting on the subject of treasurer report the name of James A. Burks with which this Meeting unites and he is appointed accordingly.
The committee appointed at last meeting to prepare a certificate of removal for Harvey Hodson and Ells his wife produced one which was approved and signed, conveying their right (of membership) to Sterling Monthly Meeting, Rice County, Kansas.
A certificate of removal was produced for William cash and Mary his wife, conveying to Bloomingdale Monthly Meeting, Park County, Indiana (their right of membership) which was approved and signed.
Jesse Beals, Bethel P. Averill, David Davis and Mary Beals are appointed as our representatives to attend the ensuing Quarterly Meeting and report to next meeting with what may be given them in charge.
Business being disposed of, this meeting concludes.
Bethel P. Averill )
Louisa E. Updegraff) Clerks
(P 143) Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 12th month 16th 1882.
Matilda Steward and Martha Averill are appointed to bring forward the names of some suitable Friends to serve this Meeting as overseers and report to next meeting.
The Friends appointed at last meeting to bring forward to this (meeting) the names of Friends to serve the Meeting as overseers propose the names of Louisa E. Updegraff and Martha Averill with which this Meeting unites and they are appointed to that station.
There appears to be a complaint against Julia Griffin for unchastity (?). Taken from the minutes of Spring Grove Preparative Meeting of Friends held 12th month 16th 1882. Matilda Steward and Harriet Grewell are appointed to visit Julia Griffin on account of the appearance and conduct and report the result of their labors to next meeting.
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