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At Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 1st month 15th 1881.
The clerk reports complied with the direction of last meeting.
(P 263) The committee reported that they did not find him in a state of mind to make any satisfaction to the meeting. The meeting united in judgment that it would be right to testify against him and Henry D. Grewell and Bethel P. Averill are appointed to prepare a testification and produce it to next meeting.
The committee appointed to consider the propriety of changing the overseers report the names of T. W. McDaniel and Henry D. Grewell with which this Meeting unites and they are appointed accordingly.
By an extract taken from the Quarterly Meeting minutes, this Meeting is directed to raise and forward its respective apportionment of $7.50 of the Yearly Meeting stock. Quincy M. Averill and John Terrell are appointed to raise the amount and pay the same to Monthly Meeting's treasurer and report to next meeting.
Jesse Beals, Louisa Updegraff, Mary Beals and Lewis C. White are appointed to counsel with Z. H. Bones in regard to his resignation and report to next meeting.
This meeting concludes.
Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 2nd month 19th 1881.
The clerk being absent, Thomas W. McDaniel was appointed clerk for the day.
The first, 2nd and 8th queries with written answers were read and approved and directed to be forwarded to the approaching Quarterly Meeting by B. P. Averill, T. W. McDaniel, and Henry D. Grewell who are appointed as our representatives and directed to report to next meeting with what may be given them in charge.
The committee appointed to produce a testification against Joseph Bones produced one which the Meeting directed to be signed by the clerk. The Meeting appointed L. C. White to hand him a copy of the testification and also inform him of his right to an appeal and report to next meeting.
(P 264) Testimonial of Discontinuance
Joseph Bones has had a right of membership in the Society of Friends, has been charged with having circulating a false report upon a Friend and insubordination for which he has been treated with without the desired affect. We, therefore, disown him from being a member with us.
Signed in and by the direction of Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held second month 19th 1881.
Warner D. Burks, Clerk
The committee appointed to raise Yearly Meeting stock report that they have raised but 3 dollars of the money. They are continued and directed to report to next meeting.
Z. H. Bones wishes to withdraw his resignation which the Meeting granted him the right to do.
A certificate was received, read and accepted from Mount Ayre Monthly Meeting dated 2nd month 5th 1881 conveying to this Meeting the right of membership of Jenevieve G.? and Nixon A.? Weston. The clerk is directed to inform Mount Ayre of its reception.
We are informed by Women Friends that Owen T. Lindley and Rachel P. Stanley intend marriage with each other. Owen T. Lindley is requested to produce to next meeting a certificate from Springfield Monthly Meeting, Kansas, of his ____ of like engagement with them.
The meeting concludes.
Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 3rd month 17th 1881.
The representatives report that none of them attended Quarterly Meeting on account of stormy weather.
The Friend appointed to offer Joseph Bones a copy of the testification and his right to appeal report attended to.
(P 265) The committee continued at last meeting to raise balance on Yearly (Meeting) stock report that they have raised $1 since last meeting. They are continued and directed to report to next meeting.
The clerk reports attended to the appointment.
Owen T. Lindley produced a certificate from Springfield Monthly Meeting, Kansas, from which it appears there is nothing to hinder him from proceeding in marriage with Rachel P. Stanley. They are, therefore, left at liberty to accomplish their marriage according to Friends' rules. In accordance with the wishes of the Stanleys, this Meeting appoints a meeting at Lindley M. Stanley's at Paola Monday evening at 8 o'clock 3rd month 19th 1881.
The meeting then concluded.
At Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held fourth month 16th 1881.
The clerk not being present, T. W. McDaniel was appointed clerk for the day.
The committee continued at last meeting to raise the balance on Yearly Meeting stock report the amount not all raised. They are continued and directed to report to next meeting.
Joseph Bones informs this Meeting that he appealed from the judgment of the Monthly Meeting to the Quarterly Meeting for the right of membership. Jess Beals, Henry Grewell, Solomon Edwards and John Terrell are appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting with a copy of the minute in his case and report to next meeting.
There being a balance of Yearly Meeting stock left over from last year the treasurer is directed to pay that on our apportion this year. Lewis C. White, Henry Grewell and Jesse Beals are appointed to make out apportionment among the members of this Meeting and report to next meeting.
(P 266) Henry Grewell, Q. M. Averill, Jesse Beals and W. D. Burks are appointed to propose the names of suitable Friends to serve this Meeting as a committee to have care of the graveyard and report to next meeting.
The following named Friends are appointed to see what can be accomplished toward the completion of the meeting house and report to next meeting: B. P. Averill, T. W. McDaniel, Lewis C. White and John Terrell.
This meeting concludes.
Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 5th month 21st 1881.
The committee continued at last meeting to raise balance of Yearly Meeting stock, not being present, they are continued and directed to report to next meeting.
The committee appointed at last meeting to make out an apportionment of the members of this Meeting report attended to and each member is directed to pay his or her apportionment to the treasurer.
Jesse Beals per cts 8 Henry D. Grewell per cts 5
James A. Burks 8 Louisa Updegraff 5
William Ellis 8 Isaac Arnold 5
Thomas McDaniel 8 Reuben Davis 5
Bethel P. Averill 8 Lewis C. White 5
Quincy M. Averill 8 John Terrell 5
Z. H. Bones 8 Leander Dunbar 5
Calvin Barnard 8 David Davis 5
Warner D. Burks 8 John B. Gluyas 5
Eli Henderson 8 John Stewart 5
Lindley Stanley 5
(P 267) The committee appointed at last meeting to bring forward the names of a suitable number of Friends to have charge of the graveyard report the names of Warner D. Burks, Bethel P. Averill and Lewis C. White, who being united with, are appointed to that station.
The first, second and 8th queries with written answers were read and approved and directed to be forwarded to the approaching Quarterly Meeting by Henry D. Grewell, Thomas W. McDaniel and Warner D. Burks who are appointed as our representatives and directed to report to next meeting of their attendance and with what may be given them in charge.
Answers to Queries
First Ans. - All our meetings for worship and discipline have been attended by a few Friends. Others manifest a great indifference in that direction. Unbecoming behavior avoided and the hour of meeting pretty well observed.
Second Ans. - Most Friends appear to be preserved in Christian love one toward another. Tale bearing discouraged and mostly avoided and endeavors are used to end differences when any appear.
8th Ans. - We believe this query has been complied with to a pretty good degree.
The committee appointed at last meeting to see what could be done toward completion of the meeting house made a satisfactory report to the meeting. They are authorized to purchase the material and have the work completed as soon as practable and are directed to report to next meeting.
John Terrell, Quincy M. Averill and David Davis are appointed as caretakers to attend the approaching Quarterly Meeting and report to next meeting of their attendance.
The meeting then concluded.
(P 269) At Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 6th month 18th 1881.
The committee continued on Yearly Meeting stock report paid $4.00 and they are discontinued.
The representatives report that they all attended Quarterly Meeting and that there was nothing give for this Meeting.
The caretakers (reported) that they all attended their appointment with the exception of one.
The committee continued last month in regard to the completion of the meeting house report some attention. They are continued and directed to report in 8th month next.
The treasurer reported paid over our quota of Yearly Meeting stock for 1880 and $7.50 cts to the Quarterly Meeting treasurer as directed in fourth month 1881.
To Spring Grove monthly Meeting of Friends to be held 7th month 19th 1881:
In regard to the difference existing between Joseph Bones and myself, I want to say that if I have said or done anything that I should not, I am sorry for it. I humbly ask his forgiveness as it was in no part or parcel of my intention to do or say anything wrong.
Thomas W. McDaniel
Thomas W. McDaniel produced the foregoing free-will offering which was satisfactory to the Meeting.
Having disposed of all the business, this meeting concludes.
(P 270) Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 7th month 19th 1881.
Lewis C. White, Thomas W. McDaniel, Bethel P. Averill and Warner D. Burks are appointed upon the subject of statistics, education and temperance and directed to report to next meeting.
This meeting concludes.
Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 8th month 20th 1881.
A certificate was received, read and accepted from Tonganoxie Monthly Meeting, Kansas, dated 5th month 21st 1881, conveying to this Meeting the right of membership of John Stewart and Matilda his wife, she being a minister with whom they have unity, and their minor children--Charley, Martha M. and Anna Mary. The clerk is directed to acknowledge the reception of the above certificate and report to next meeting.
The queries addressed to this meeting were all read with corresponding answers to them in writing which are directed to be forwarded to the approaching Quarterly Meeting by Jesse Beals, Thomas W. McDaniel and Henry D. Grewell whom we appoint as our representatives to attend Quarterly Meeting and report to next meeting with what may be given them in charge.
Springfield Monthly Meeting dated 8th month 18th 1881 conveying to this Meeting the right of membership of John B. Gluyas. The clerk is directed to acknowledge the reception of the above certificate and report to next meeting.
The clerk reports that he had attended to his appointment.
The committee continued in regard to meeting house report some attention. They are continued and directed to report to next meeting.
Having disposed of all the business, this meeting concluded.
At Spring Grove monthly Meeting of Friends held 10th month 15th 1881.
The committee on meeting house report some attention. They are continued and directed to report to next meeting.
(P 272) A certificate was received, read and accepted from Georgetown Monthly Meeting, Illinois, dated 10th month 8th 1881, conveying to this Meeting the right of membership of Eli Henderson, a minister of the gospel and Sarah Lucinda his wife with their minor children--John Milton, Asenath Oliver, Laura Alice, Alonzo and Lois Bell. The clerk is directed to aknowledge the reception of the above certificate and report to next meeting.
Quincy M. Averill, Henry D. Grewell and Lewis C. White are appointed to bring forward the name of a suitable Friend to serve this Meeting as clerk for the ensuing year and report to next meeting.
The clerk has attended to his appointment.
James A. Burks, John Stewart, Matilda Stewart and Mary Beals are appointed to visit Eli Henderson and family for their help and encouragement and report to next meeting.
Henry D. Grewell and Thomas W. McDaniel are appointed to collect the balance on last year's care of meeting house of keeping fires and hire one for the ensuing year and report to next meeting.
The meeting then concluded.
W. D. Burks, Clerk
Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 11th month 19th 1881.
The committee continued at last meeting on meeting house report that they have made some progress which was satisfactory to the Meeting. They are continued and directed to report to next meeting.
The clerk reports that he has attended to his appointment.
The committee appointed last month in regard to clerk made a report which was not satisfactory to all present. They are continued and directed to report to next meeting.
(P 273) The committee appointed at last meeting to visit Eli Henderson and family for their help and encouragement, the report of committee was satisfactory to the Meeting and the committee is discontinued.
The committee appointed at last meeting in regard to care of meeting house report nothing received on last year's care of meeting house. The committee appointed in regards to keeping the meeting house this year have concluded not to hire anyone.
A certificate was received, read and accepted from Alum Creek Monthly Meeting, Ohio, dated 8th month 18th 1881, conveying to this Meeting the right of membership of Oliver D. Dillingham and Mary J. his wife and their infant daughter, Cemantha Amelia. The clerk is directed to acknowledge the reception of the certificate and report to next meeting.
By an extract received from the Quarterly Meeting, it appears that the judgment of the Monthly (Meeting) is reversed in the case of the appeal of Joseph Bones on account of illegal proceedings.
T. W. McDaniel and John Stewart are appointed to visit Oliver D. Dillingham and family for their help and encouragement and report to next meeting.
Henry D. Grewell and Jesse Beals are appointed to attend the approaching Quarterly Meeting and report to next meeting of their attendance and what may be given them in charge for this Meeting.
Jesse Beals, John Stewart, Eli Henderson, Lewis C. White, Henry D. Grewell and T. W. McDaniel are appointed to serve with a like committee of Women Friends as missionary committee the ensuing year and as called to report in 9th month next.
This meeting concludes.
W. D. Burks, Clerk
(P 274) Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 12th month 17th 1881.
The committee on meeting house report some attention. They are continued and directed to report to next meeting.
The committee continued from last Monthly Meeting in regards to clerk report the name of Bethel P. Averill which was satisfactory to the Meeting. He is appointed accordingly.
The clerk reports attended to his appointment.
The committee appointed at last meeting to visit Oliver D. Dillingham and family report not attended to. They are, therefore, discontinued.
Our representatives report that they did not attend to their appointment on account of no means of going.
The meeting then concluded.
W. D. Burks, Clerk
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