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Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 1st month 1883.
The Friends appointed to visit Julia Griffin on account of the appearance of unchastity (?) report they visited her. She did not appear to be in a disposition to condemn her conduct. Mary Beals and Elizabeth Burks are appointed to inform Julia Giffin there is likely to be a testification against her and report to next meeting.
(P 291) Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 12th month 16th 1882.
The representatives report two of them attended Quarterly Meeting and the minutes of the Yearly Meeting were given them.
Our esteemed Friend Elwood Hanson, a minister of the gospel, was very acceptably with us whose labors of love were edifying and encouraging, producing a minute from Walnut Creek Monthly Meeting, Kansas, dated 9th month 9th 1882 (signed Zimri M. Hadley and Melissa Morris as clerks) (and Thomas Moore corresponding clerk). Also Owen T. and Rachel P. Lindley and Charles Williams were very acceptably with us.
By an extract from the minutes of Hesper Quarterly Meeting, this Meeting is directed to raise $22.50, its proportion of Yearly Meeting stock. Bethel P. Averill, John Terrell, Ella Burks and Susan Bones are directed to raise the same and pay it in to the treasurer of this Meeting and report in second month.
Zephaniah H. Bones requests to resign his right of membership. Jesse Beals, Louisa E. Updegraff, Lewis C. White and Elizabeth Burks are appointed to visit him on the account thereof and report to next meeting.
(P 292) Jesse Beals, Lewis C. White, Thomas W. McDaniel, Elizabeth Burks and Martha E. Averill are directed to bring forward the name of suitable Friends to serve this Meeting as clerks the ensuing year.
Mordecai and Eliza J. Ellis with their minor children (Lydia E., Mary L. and James S.) request their right of membership which was forwaarded to Spring Bank Monthly Meeting of Nebraska.
Business being disposed of, this meeting concludes.
Bethel P. Averill )
Louisa E. Updegraff) Clerks
Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 1st month 20th 1883.
A part of the Quarterly Meeting's committee to visit Monthly Meetings was very acceptably with us.
The committee appointed at last meeting in the case of the resignation of Zephaniah H. Bones report some attention. They are continued and directed to report to next meeting.
The committee appointed at last meeting to bring forward the names of suitable Friends for clerks for the ensuing year, not being ready to report, are continued and directed to report to next meeting.
(P 293) The committee continued from a former meeting in the case of Horace G. Barnard report they find he has no disposition to retain his right of membership with us. He is therefore released.
This Meeting received a copy of the discipline with its proposed changes as provided for at last Yearly Meeting.
The following named Friends are appointed to propose to next meeting the names of suitable Friends to cooperate with the Yearly Meeting's committee for care and oversight of evenagelical and pastoral work: Harriett Grewell, Norman C. Averill, Thomas W. McDaniel and Matilda Stewart.
Business being disposed of, this meeting concludes.
Bethel P. Averill )
Louisa E. Updegraff) Clerks
(P 294) Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 2nd month 19th 1883.
The committee in case of Zephaniah H. Bones report he wishes to withdraw his resignation which this Meeting grants and Sarah Bones is appointed to inform him of the action of the Meeting.
The committee appointed to bring forward the names of suitable Friends to serve this Meeting as Clerks the ensuing year report the names of Bethel P. Averill and Rebecca D. Averill with which this Meeting unites and they are appointed accordingly.
The committee appointed at last meeting to propose the names of Friends to cooperate and correspond with the Yearly Meeting's committee for care and oversight of pastoral and evangelical work report the following names: Jesse Beals, Mary Beals, Elizabeth Burks, Matilda Stewart, Martha E. Averill, Eli Henderson, Harriet Grewell, John Terrell and Bethel P. Averill and they are appointed to that station.
The committee on Yearly Meeting stock report $9.50 raised. They are continued and directed to report in fifth month.
(P 295) The treasurer resigning, Thomas W. McDaniel is appointed to that station.
From an extract from the minutes of the Preparative Meeting, it appears that Charles M. Averill, Anna M. Averill, Samuel Edwards, Eunice Edwards, Inice Grewell and Vic Shaffer wish to be joined in membership with Friends. Harriet Grewell, Lewis C. White, Eli Henderson and Elizabeth Burks are appointed to visit them on account thereof and report to next meeting.
The 1st, 2nd, and 8th queries with written answers were read and approved by this Meeting and directed to be forwarded to the ensuing Quarterly Meeting by Eli Henderson, Norman C. Averill, Matilda Stewart and Susan Bones whom we appoint as our representatives. They are directed to report to next meeting with what may given them in charge.
First Ans. - This query is complied with to a good degree by a few of our members. Others neglect the attendance of our meetings.
Second Ans. - We believe most Friends comply with this query.
Eighth Ans. - We know of no cause of complaint under this query.
(P 296) Eli Henderson, a minister of the gospel with whom we have unity, expressed a desire to visit in gospel work some of the Meetings of Kansas Yearly Meeting by appointment as otherwise, also to engage in ministerial labors in prisons in the State of Missouri as way may open for it. After prayerful deliberation, this Meeting unites with him in his concern and he is encouraged thereto as best wisdom may direct.
Warner D. Burks, Thomas W. McDaniel, Sarah Bones and Louisa E. Updegraff are appointed to see that he is suitably furnished with a companion and otherwise prepared.
Business being disposed of, this meeting concludes.
Bethel P. Averill )
Louisa E. Updegraff) Clerks
(P 297) Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 3rd month 17th 1883.
The clerk being absent Thomas W. McDaniel was appointed clerk for the day.
The committee in case of applicants for membership submit the folowing report which is accepted and the last four named were received into membership and the committee is continued in case of the first two names. Warner D. Burks was named in addition to the committee and they are directed to report to next meeting.
Our representatives report that all but one of them attended Quarterly Meeting and that nothing was given them in charge for this Meeting.
The committee appointed to wait on Eli Henderson to see that he is properly furnished report attended to.
Having disposed of all the business, this meeting concludes.
Thomas W. McDaniel) for the day
Rebecca D. Averill) Clerks
(P 298) Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 4th month 21st 1883.
The committee in the case of Charles N. and Anna M. Averill, not agreeing in a report, asked to be released. They are therefore released and Henry D. Grewell, John Stewart, Harriet Grewell, Louisa E. Updegraff and Jonathan M. Grewll are appointed instead and are directed to report to next meeting.
Thomas W. McDaniel and Marilda McDaniel, formerly Marilda Duncan, having accomplished their marriage contrary to discipline, inform this Meeting that they wish to retain their right of membership which this Meeting grants them.
Warner D. Burks, Norman C. Averill, Louisa E. Updegraff, Lora B. Grewll, Reuben Davis and Lydia Davis are appointed to inform those who were received into membership with us at last meeting of the action of said meeting and report to next meeting.
A minute was received, read and accepted from Mount Ayre Monthly Meeting of Friends, Kansas, conveying to this Meeting the right of membership of Alphens O., Samuel L. and Arthur C. Edwards, minor children of Samuel G. and Eunice C. Edwards.
Business being disposed of, this meeting concludes.
Bethel P. Averill )
Rebecca D. Averill) Clerks
(P 299) Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 5th month 19th 1883.
The committee in the case of Charles N. and Annie M. Averill report they find nothing to hinder them from becoming members with us. There are therefore received into membership with Friends.
The committee in case of those received in membership with us namely Samuel G. Edwards, Eunice C. Edwards, Vic Shaffer and Inice Grewell report attended to.
The first, second and eighth queries with written answers were read and approved by this Meeting and directed to be forwarded to the ensuing Quarterly Meeting by James A. Burks, Samuel G. Edwards, Bethel P. Averill, Elizabeth Burks, Eunice Edwards and Sarah J. Bones who are appointed as our representative and are directed to report to next meeting with what may be given them in charge.
First Answer - All of our meetings for worship and discipline are attended by a few of our members as queried after.
Second Answer - We believe the Friends who attend our meetings for worship and discipline endeavor to comply with this query.
Eighth Answer - We believe this query is complied with to a good degree.
(P 300) Jonathan M. Grewell, Thomas W. McDaniel, Charles N. Averill and Reuben Davis are appointed as caretakers to the ensuing Quarterly Meeting and report to next meeting of their attendance.
Jonathan M. Grewell, Samuel G. Edwards, Eli Henderson, John B. Gluyas, Henry D. Grewell and Thomas McDaniel are appointed to seat the members of this Meeting and report to next meeting.
Norman C. Averill, Warner D. Burks and Reuben Davis are appointed to bring forward the name of a suitable Friend to serve this Meeting as correspondent and also trustees to fill vacancy and report to next meeting.
The committee on Yearly Meeting stock failed to report. They are continued and directed to report to next meeting.
Business being disposed of, this meeting concludes.
Bethel P. Averill )
Rebecca D. Averill) Clerks
(P 301) Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 6th month 16th 1883. This meeting adjourns to one o'clock P.M. and this by minutes of 6th month 16th 1883.
Spring Grove Monthly Meeting reassembled as per foregoing minute. Women's clerk not being present, Matilda Stewart was appointed clerk for the day.
The representatives report they all attended the Quarterly meeting and there was nothing given them for this Meeting.
The caretakers report they all attended to the object of their appointment.
The committee in case of seating this Meeting make the following report which is satisfactory: first Samuel G. Edwards, second Norman C. Averill, third Henry D. Grewell.
The committee appointed to bring forward the name of a correspondent and trustees report Thomas W. McDaniel as correspondent and John Terrell, Samuel G. Edwards and Warner D. Burks as trustees.
The committee on Yearly Meeting stock report $4.50 raised. They are continued and directed to report in 8th month.
(P 302) The Quarterly Meeting of ministers, elders and overseers of Hesper Quarter Meeting from the proposition of Spring Grove Preparative Meeting of ministers, elders and overseers propose to this Meeting that Norman C. Averill be recorded a minister of the gospel with which this Meeting unites and records him accordingly. The clerks are directed to inform said Quarterly Meeting of ministers, elders and overseers.
Lewis C. White and Jonathan M. Grewell are appointed to assist the recorder in collecting and recording the names of members of this Meeting and to report in 8th month next.
This meeting concluded to meet on 6th day 7th month 20th 1883 at one o'clock P.M. to consider the proposed discipline.
Business being disposed of, this meeting concludes.
Bethel P. Averill)
Matilda Stewart ) Clerks
(P 303) Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 7th month 21st 1883.
The clerks being absent Warner D. Burks and Matilda Stewart are appointed for the day.
By the reports from the Preparative, it appears that Charles H. Mumford requests to be joined in membership with us. Reuben Davis and Samuel Edwards are appointed to visit him on account of the request and report to next meeting.
Also Amelia Isabell Standfield requests the same. Louisa Updegraff, Ellen Bones and Harriett Grewell are appointed to visit her and report to next meeting.
A certificate of membership was received for Thomas B. Winslow and Rachel Ellen his wife from Tonganoxie Monthly Meeting, Kansas, dated 6th month 16th 1883. Henry Grewell, Jonathan Grewell, Eunice Edwards and Lydia Davis are appointed to visit them for their encouragement and report to next meeting.
Lewis C. White, Warner D. Burks, Etta Grewell and Elizabeth Melton are appointed to prepare and produce to next meeting the statistical reports.
Reuben Davis, John Stewart, Mary Bales (Beals) and Ann White are appointed to propose to next meeting the name of a Friend to serve the Meeting as librarian.
Bethel P. Averill requests to be released from his various appointments; namely, clerk of the Monthly Meeting, from the evangelistic or pastoral committee, building committee, one of the committee to have charge of the graveyard and to raise money for the Yearly Meeting stock. After a time of deliberation, the Meeting appointed John Terrell, Samuel Edwards, Matilda Steward, Mary Bales (Beals) and Harriett Grewell to confer with him and, if possible, remove the cause of his discouragement and report to next meeting.
The meeting then concluded.
(P 304) Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 8th month 18th 1883.
The Women's clerk not being present, Matilda Stewart was appointed clerk for the day.
The Friends to visit Charles H. Mumford report they find nothing to hinder his being joined in membership with Friends. He is received accordingly. Thomas W. McDaniel is appointed to inform him of the action of this Meeting and report to next meeting.
The Friends to visit Amelia Isabell Stanfield report favorably and she is received accordingly. Sarah J. Bones is appointed to inform her of the action of this Meeting and report to next meeting.
The Friends to welcome Thomas B. and Rachel Ellen Winslow report attended to.
The Friends on statistics, not being ready to report, are continued and directed to report to next meeting, and also to forward this report to Quarterly Meeting by the representatives.
The committee propose the name of Warner D. Burks for librarian with which this Meeting unites and he is appointed accordingly.
The Friends to visit Bethel P. Averill report that they visited him and propose that he be released from the committee to have charge of the graveyard and building committee which is satisfactory to this Meeting.
(P 305) The committee appointed in 6th month last to assist the recorder of births and deaths report the work not finished. The same are continued to report in 12th month next.
All the queries with written answers were read and approved and directed to be forwarded to the ensuing Quarterly Meeting by Eli Henderson, Mary Beals, Bethel Averill and Louisa E. Updegraff whom we appoint as our representatives. They are directed to report to next meeting of their attendance and with what may be given them in charge.
First Ans. - All our meetings have been attended. Unbecoming behavior guarded against and the hour for meeting pretty well observed.
Second Ans. - We believe most Friends are preserved in Christian love one toward another. Talebearing discouraged and mostly avoided. No differences among us to speak of.
Third Ans. - We believe, so far as circumstances will permit, Friends are careful except in plainness of speach and apparel.
Fourth Ans. - Friends appear to be clear in the fore part of this query though not so clear in the latter part as would be desireable.
Fifth Ans. - No poor among us requiring attention that we know of.
Sixth Ans. - As far as appears, Friends are clear under the several heads of the query except on oaths.
Seventh Ans. - Friends appear to be clear in this query.
Eighty Ans. - This query is complied with to a pretty good degree. Some care extended in the above deficiencies.
(P 306) The following answers are to forwarded to Quarterly Meeting by Mary Bales (Beals) and Louisa Updegraff whom we appoint as our representatives, to report to next meeting.
1st Ans. - All our meetings for worship and discipline attended. Unbecoming behavior avoided. The hour of meeting pretty well observed.
2nd - Friends (appear) to be preserved in Christian love one toward another. Talebearing and detraction discouraged. No differences amongst us.
3rd - We fear there is not that care taken that should be in educating and guarding against reading pernicious reading and corrupt conversation. Not as much encouragement is given to reading the Scriptures as would be best.
4th - Pretty well observed.
5th - No poor amongst us requiring aid.
6th - No violation so far as we know.
7th - We believe Friends are careful under the several heads of that query.
8th - No case requiring under the 8th query.
M. Steward, Clerk for the day
(P 307) Annual Answers
First Ans. - None.
Second Ans. - There are none taught by Friends.
Third Ans. - Each family is furnished with the Scriptures but all do not read in a collective capacity, 14 read daily, 7 occasionally and 14 not at all as queried after.
Fourth Ans. - They are.
Rebecca D. Averill requests to be released from the station of clerk. After a time of deliberation, she was released and Eunice C. Edwards appointed to fill the vacancy.
The advices were then read and considered.
By report of this Meeting, it appears there are a number of Bibles in care of Mary Beals, the property of the Yearly Meeting. James A. Burks is appointed to take charge of the same and carry out the design of the Yearly Meeting.
Women Friends have raised $4.50 for Yearly Meeting stock, being their quotient. Elizabeth Burks is appointed as Women's treasurer.
Business having all been disposed of, this meeting concludes.
Bethel P. Averill)
Matilda Steward ) Clerks
(P 308) Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 9th month 15th 1883.
The Women's clerk being absent, Louisa E. Updegraff was appointed clerk for the day.
Our representatives report they all attended the Quarterly Meeting and that some tracts were given them in charge for distribution.
The committee on statistics report as follows.
Report on Temperance
1. No. using intoxicating liquors as a beverage the past year? Answer - None.
2. No. selling such liquors? Answer - None.
3. Are all engaged in such sale careful not to permit their use as a beverage? Answer - None selling.
4. How many of your members use tobacco? Answer - Thirteen.
5. How many are engaged in the cultivation or sale of it? Answer - (2) Two.
6. What is the estimated cost of tobacco used the past year? Answer $70.00 Seventy dollars.
7. How many Meetings have your committee or members been instrumental in holding for the promotion of temperance? Answer (3) Three.
8. What has been done for the dissemination of temperance literature? Answer - Some distribution of tracts among us.
(P 309) Report on Education and Schools
1. No. in this Monthly Meeting between six and twenty-one years of age? Answer - (55) Fifty five.
2. No. attending an educational institution of any kind the past year? Answer - (55) Fifty five.
3. No. over 21 years of age attending an educational institution of any kind the last year? Answer - (0) None.
4. No. growing up destitute of a school education? Answer - (0) None.
5. What is the average length of time which your children attend school? Answer (6) Six months.
6. No. having pursued branches beyond those required by law? Answer - None.
7. Name the branches studied. Answer - None such pursued.
8. No. of members having attended college or university the past year? Males (0) None. Females (0) None.
9. No. in preparatory course? (0) None.
In the freshman class? (0) None.
In the sophomore class? (0) None.
In the junior class? (0) None.
In the senior class? (0) None.
How many have graduated? (0) None.
(P 310)
10. Name the colleges and universities attended. Answer - None attended.
11. No. of academies or graduate schools under control of Friends? Answer - None under our control.
12. No. of Friends engaged in teaching in or beyond our limits? Answer - (One) female.
13. How many of these have attended a normal school? Answer - (1) One.
14. No. who appear to have adopted teaching as a profession? Answer - (1) One.
15. No. of children attending school where the instructions aresecular, no attention being given to moral instructions? Answer - (0) None.
The building committee report the house seated and there are no maintenances on the house. They are therefore released.
The following named Friends are appointed to procure means and purchase stoves and fuel and report to next meeting: Warner D. Burks, Henry D. Grewell, Susan Bones and Elizabeth Melton.
The following named Friends are appointed to raise money and build two stiles in the gateways of the meeting house: Norman C. Averill and Thomas W. McDaniel.
Meeting then concluded.
B. P. Averill )
Louisa E. Updegraff) Clerks
(P 311) Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 10th month 20th 1883.
The committee appointed to purchase stove and fuel report they have raised $22.00 and have paid out $20.00. They are continued and directed to report to next meeting.
The committee appointed to procure means and build stiles report they have built one. They are released. Some Friends have volunteered to put up turn gates for the other.
The committee on Yearly Meeting stock, failing to report in 8th month as per book minute, are continued and directed to report to next meeting.
Matilda Steward, a minister of the gospel of Christ with whom we have unity, expressed before this Meeting a concern to visit in the love of the gospel Siloam and Spring River Quarterly Meetings and some of the Meetings constituting these Quarterly Meetings beside some other work in company with Annie Fulgem with which this Meeting unites. She is therefore released and encouraged to attend thereto as way may open and best wisdom may direct.
Thomas W. McDaniel, Louisa E. Updegraff and Warner D. Burks are appointed to see that she is furnished with proper means of conveyance and credentials and report to next meeting.
Business being disposed of, this meeting concludes.
Bethel P. Averill)
Eunice C. Edwards) Clerks
(P 312) Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 11th month 17th 1883.
Women's clerk not being present, Louisa E. Updegraff was appointed clerk for the day.
William Greenberry, a member of Lawrence Monthly Meeting, was very acceptably with us for our help, edification and encouragement.
The committee to procure means and purchase stove report they have received $23.35 and have expended $19.00 for stoves, $3.00 for pipes, and 50 cents for coal, a balance of .85 cents on hand. They are continued and directed to report to next meeting.
The committee on Yearly Meeting stock, not ready to report, are continued and directed to report to next meeting.
The committee appointed to see that Matilda Steward was properly furnished with means of conveyance and credentials report attended to.
By an extract from the minutes of the Preparative Meeting, it appears that Thomas J. Melton requests to be joined in membership with Friends. He is therefore received and Samuel G. Edwards, Charles N. Averill, Louisa E. Updegraff and Martha E. Averill are appointed to visit him to inform him of the action of this Meeting and for his help and encouragement and report to next meeting.
(P 313) The following named Friends are appointed to attend the ensuing Quarterly Meeting as our representatives and they are directed to report to next meeting with what may be given them in charge: John Steward, Henry G. Grewell, Mary Beals and Louisa E. Updegraff.
An advice from Hesper Quarterly Meeting held 9th month 1st 1883, was received and read for our help and encouragement and edification.
Thomas W. McDanial, Norman C. Averill, John B. Gluyas and Lewis C. White are appointed to contract with some individual to take charge of the meeting house for the ensuing year and report to next meeting.
Business being disposed of, this meeting concludes.
Bethel P. Averill )
Louisa E. Updegraff) Clerks
(P 314) Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 12th month 15th 1883.
Women's clerk not being present, Louisa E. Updegraff was appointed clerk for the day.
The committee to purchase stoves and fuel, not being ready to report, are continued and directed to report to next meeting.
The committee on Yearly Meeting stock, having accomplished the object of their appointment, are released.
The committee appointed to visit Thomas J. Melton report attended to.
The representatives report all but one attended the Quarterly Meeting and the minutes of the Yearly Meeting were given them in charge and a satisfactory reason was given for his absence.
The committee appointed to contract the keeping of the meeting house for the ensuing year report they cannot get a bid. They are released and Friends agree to keep it by turns.
Having received our apportionment from the Quarterly Meeting of Yearly Meeting stock, it appears that Spring Grove has to raise one hundred and twenty six dollars ($126.00). Samuel G. Edwards,
(P 315) Lewis C. White, Thomas W. McDaniel and Eli Henderson are appointed to make out a ratio of apportionment and present to next monthly meeting for their ratification.
Matilda Steward, a minister of the gospel, returned her minute, having accomplished the work to the relief of her mind.
Joseph Bones, Elizabeth Burks, Thomas W. McDaniel, James A. Burks and Susan Bones are appointed to propose to next meeting the name of suitable Friends to serve this Meeting as clerks the ensuing year.
Business having been disposed of, this meeting concludes.
Bethel P. Averill )
Louisa E. Updegraff) Clerks
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