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At Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 1st month 17th 1880.
Our representatives report that they did not attend Quarterly Meeting.
(P 255) The Friends appointed to propose the name of a suitable Friend to serve this Meeting as clerk report the name of Thomas W. McDaniel, who being united with, is appointed to that station.
Z. H. Bones, Warner D. Burks and John Terrell are appointed to raise our apportionment of Yearly Meeting stock and report to next meeting.
Jesse Beals expressed before this Meeting a concern that had for sometime rested upon his mind of visiting in gospel love Walnut Creek Quarterly Meeting and the Meetings constituting that with which this Meeting unites, expressing a feeling of encouragement. Solomon Edwards, Thomas W. McDaniel and Quincy M. Averill are appointed to see that he is properly furnished and report to next meeting.
The meeting then concluded.
At Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 2nd month 21st 1880.
The Friends appointed to raise Yearly meeting stock report that they have not been able to raise but $8.35. They are continued and directed to report to next meeting.
The first, 2nd and 8th queries were read and approved in this meeting and directed to be forwarded to the approaching Quarterly Meeting by Jesse Beals, Joseph Bones and James A. Burks who are appointed as our representatives and directed to report their attendance with what may be given them in charge to next meeting.
Wm. H. Wilson and H. M. Wilson his wife request their named removed from our books which was granted.
The committee appointed at last meeting upon the concern which Jesse Beals expressed before that meeting, not being ready to report, are continued and directed to report to next meeting.
(P 256) John Terrell, Solomon Edwards and Reuben Davis are appointed to bring forward the names of suitable Friends to serve this Meeting as overseers and report to next meeting.
Elizabeth Burks, Sarah Bones, Mary Beals, Jesse Beals, Z. H. Bones and John Terrell are appointed to propose the names of suitable Friends to serve this Meeting as missionary committee and report to next meeting.
Answers to queries:
First Answer - All our meetings for worship and discipline have been attended though some are negligent in this important duty. Friends avoid unbecoming behavior. The hour for meeting pretty well observed.
2nd Ans. - Most Friends appear to be preserved in Christian love one toward another. Talebearing and detraction discouraged and mostly avoided. When differences appear endeavors are used to end them.
8th Ans. - We believe this querie is complied with to a pretty good degree.
This meeting concludes.
At Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 3rd month 20th 1880.
The Friends appointed to raise Yearly Meeting stock report that they raised and forwarded the amount.
Our representatives report that they all attended Quarterly Meeting and received our apportionment of books from the Yearly Meeting for this Meeting.
The committee appointed in first month and continued in second month to see that Jesse Beals was properly furnished for his visit to Walnut Creek report attended to and produced a minute liberating him to that service which was directed to be signed.
The committee appointed to propose the names of suitable Friends to serve this Meeting as overseers propose the names of Thomas McDaniel, Solomon Edwards and Z. H. Bones, who being united with, are appointed to that station.
(P 257) The Friends appointed to propose to this Meeting the names of suitable Friends to serve this Meeting as missionary committee propose the names of Jesse Beals, John Terrell, L. C. White, Thomas W. McDaniel, Joseph Bones, Z. H. Bones, Q. M. Averill, Susan Bones, Lydia Arnold, R. D. Averill, Mary Cash, Rachel P. Stanley, Sarah Bones, Mary Beals and Louisa Updegraff, who being united with, are appointed to that station.
The meeting then concluded.
At Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 5th month 15th 1880.
The committee appointed to prepare the books received from the Monthly Meeting report attended to.
The first, 2nd and 8th queries with corresponding answers in writing were read and approved and directed to be forwarded to the approaching Quarterly Meeting by James A. Burks and John Terrell who are appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting and report to next meeting with what may be given them in charge.
Answers to queries:
First Answer - All our meetings for worship and discipline have been attended though many Friends are negligent in that important duty. Unbecoming behavior most avoided and the hour for meeting pretty well observed.
2nd Ans. - Friends are not all preserved in that Christian love one towards another that would be desired. Talebearing and detraction are mostly avoided. When differences appear, endeavors are used to end them.
(P 258)
8th Ans. - Care has been taken to deal with offenders impartially but not so seasonable as might have been best. Endeavors have been used to evince to those who will not be reclaimed in the spirit of meakness and love before judgment is placed upon them.
Warner D. Burks, Z. H. Bones and Reuben Davis are appointed as caretakers to attend the Quarterly Meeting and report their attendance to next meeting.
This meeting concludes.
At Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 6th month 19th 1880.
Our representatives report that they all attended Quarterly Meeting and that there was nothing given them in charge for this Meeting. Our caretakers report that they attended their appointment.
Jesse Beals return the minute granted him by this Meeting for the purpose of visiting in gospel love Walnut Creek Quarteerly Meeting in which he was greatly blessed to the peace and satisfaction of his mind.
This meeting concludes.
At Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 7th month 17th 1880.
L. C. White, Z. H. Bones, Thomas W. McDaniel, Jesse Beals, Louisa Updegraff, Sarah Bones, Lydia Arnold, Ellen Burks, Warner D. Burks and B. P. Averill are appointed for the subjects of statistics, education and temperance and to report to next meeting.
Henry D. Grewell and Harriet his wife are in the limits of this Meeting, producing a sojourning minute from Mount Ayre Monthly Meeting, Kansas, whose company and labors of love are acceptable.
The business having been disposed of, this meeting concludes.
At Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 8th month 21st 1880.
The queries with corresponding answers in writing were read and approved in this meeting and directed to be forwarded to the Quarterly Meeting by Isaac Arnold, Jesse Beals and Wm. J. Ellis who are directed
(P 259) to report their attendance with what may be given them in charge for this Meeting and report to next meeting.
Answers to queries:
1st - All our meetings for worship and discipline have been attended though many are negligent in that important duty. Unbecoming behavior avoided and the hour of meeting nearly observed.
2nd Ans. - Most Friends appear to be preserved in Christian love one toward another. Talebearing and detraction discouraged and mostly avoided. Endeavors are used to end differences when any appear.
3rd Ans. - More faithfulness upon the part of some of our members under the several heads of this query would be desireable of our members.
4th Ans. - We believe Friends are mostly clear under the several heads of this query.
5th Ans. - No poor among us requiring aid that we know of.
6th Ans. - No cause of complaints under the several heads of this query that we know of.
7th Ans. - We know of no cause of complaint under several heads of this query.
8th Ans. - Care has been extended as queried after though more seasonable care might have been best.
Annual answers:
First Ans. - No school among us.
4th Ans. - They are.
The reports upon the subjects of statistics, education and temperance not being complete, the committee was continued and directed to report to next meeting.
This meeting then concludes.
At Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 9th month 18th 1880.
Our representataives report that one of their number attended their appointment and that reason was rendered for the absence of the others.
(P 260) The committee continued to complete the report upon the subject of statistics, education and temperance report attended to.
Warner D. Burks, L. C. White and John Terrell are appointed in case of T. W. McDaniel's resignation and report to next meeting.
This meeting concludes.
At Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 10th month 16th 1880.
The clerk not being willing to serve, Warren D. Burks was appointed clerk for the day.
The committee appointed in T. W. McDaniel's case report that he wishes to withdraw his resignation with which this Meeting unites.
W. D. Burks, Lewis C. White and John Terrell are appointed to bring forward the name of a suitable Friend to serve this meeting as clerk the ensuing year and report to next meeting.
Jesse Beals, Z. H. Bones, Ellen Burks, Sarah Bones and Louisa Updegraff are appointed to bring forward the names of a suitable number of Friends to serve this Meeting as missionary committee and report to next meeting.
Q. M. Averill, L. C. White, John Terrell and Z. H. Bones are appointed to take into consideration the propriety of a change in overseers; and if way opens, to bring forward the names of a suitable number of Friends to serve this Meeting and report to next meeting.
This meeting concludes.
At Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 11th month 20th 1880.
The clerk not being willing to serve, W. D. Burks was appointed clerk for the day.
The Friends appointed to prepare the name of a suitable Friend to serve this Meeting as clerk report the name of W. D. Burks, who being united with, is appointed to that station.
(P 261) The Friends appointed to propose the names of a suitable number of Friends to serve this Meeting as missionary committee report the names of Mary Beals, Louisa Updegraff, Z. H. Bones, Sarah Bones, Ellen Burks, Quincy M. Averill, Warner D. Burks, Rebecca Terrell, John Terrell and Elizabeth Terrell who being united with, are appointed accordingly and called to report in 8th month.
The committee appointed to propose the names of a suitable number of Friends to serve this Meeting as overseers report not ready to report. They are continued and directed to report to next meeting.
Jesse Beals and Quincy M. Averill are appointed to attend the approaching Quarterly Meeting as our representatives and report thier attendance with what may be given them in charge to next meeting.
A certificate was received, read and accepted from Mount Ayre Monthly Meeting of Friends dated 10th month 2nd 1880, conveying to this Meeting the right of membership of Henry D. Grewell and Harriet his wife and their minor children--Henry T., Matson B., Mary L., Charley B., Delither E., and Anna D. Grewell. The clerk is directed to acknowledge the reception of the above certificate and report to next meeting.
Solomon Edwards, Mary Beals, Jesse Beals and Louisa Updegraff are appointed to visit them on the account thereof, for their help and encouragement and report to next meeting.
By an extract taken from the minutes of the Preparative Meeting, there seems to be a complaint against Joseph Bones for insubordination and circulating a false report against a brother. John Terrell, Henry D. Grewell, Reuben Davis and Isaac Arnold are appointed to treat with him accordingly and report to next meeting.
(P 262) Samuel G. Edwards and Eunice his wife are in the limits of this Meeting, producing a sojourning minute from Mount Ayre Monthly Meeting whose company and labors of love are aceptable.
There being no further business, this meeting concludes.
At Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 12th month 18th 1880.
The committee appointed in 10th month and continued in 11th month to bring forward the names of a suitable number of Friends to serve this Meeting as overseers report that they cannot agree and they are discontinued.
Our representatives report that none of them attended Quarterly Meeting.
The clerk reports that he has not attended to his appointment. He is continued and directed to report to next meeting.
The committee (appointed) at last meeting to inform the Grewells of the reception of their certificate and for their help and encouragement report attended to.
The committee appointed at last meeting to treat with Joseph Bones report some attention. They are continued and directed to investigate the matter and report to next meeting.
Warner D. Burks, Lewis C. White and Isaac Arnold are appointed to take into consideration the propriety of a change of overseers; and if way opens, to bring forward the names of a suitable number of Friends to serve this Meeting as overseers and report to next meeting.
This meeting concludes.
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