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Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 1st month 17th 1878.
(P 238) The clerk being absent, Jesse Beals was appointed clerk for the day.
The committee appointed at last meeting in case of clerk propose the name of Thomas McDaniel, who being united with, is appointed accordingly for the ensuing year.
The meeting then concluded.
Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 2nd month 16th 1878.
The queries with written answers thereto were read and approved in this meeting and directed to be forwarded to the ensuing Quarterly Meeting by T. A. McDaniel, A. W. Wasson, David Davis and W. D. Burks who are appointed as our representatives and report to next meeting with what may be given them in charge.
First Query - All the meetings for worship and discipline have been attended by the most of our members except in the middle of the week which is frequently small. Unbecoming (behavior) avoided. The hour of meeting not as well observed by some as is desireable.
Second - With a few exceptions, we believe Friends are preserved in a pretty good degree of Christian love one toward another. Talebearing and detraction discouraged but not altogether avoided. Endeavors are used to end apparent differences when any appear. For the above deficiencies, some care taken.
8th - Care is taken to deal with offenders impartially. More seasonable care in some cases might have been best.
(P 399) By an extract taken from the minutes of the Preparative Meeting, it appears that John J. Collins and Susanna his wife request to be joined in membership with Friends. After a time of deliberation, Jesse Beals and L. C. White are appointed with a like committee of Women Friends to have an opportunity with them on account thereof and report to next meeting.
John Terrell, L. C. White and Joseph Bones are appointed to consider the propriety of changing the overseers; and if way opens, to propose the names of suitable persons to serve in that station and report to next meeting.
The Meeting directed the clerk to inform the Quarterly Meeting that our last report was forwarded to the clerk of the Quarterly Meeting 8 days before Quarterly Meeting.
This meeting concludes.
Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 3rd month 16th 1878.
The representatives appointed at last meeting to attend Quarterly Meeting report that all attended but one for whose absence satisfactory reason was given and that nothing was given them in charge.
The committee appointed at last meeting in case of John J. Collins and Susanna his wife report that they find nothing to prevent them from beng united in membership with Friends and they are received accordingly.
The committee appointed at last meeting to consider the propriety of changing the overseers report that they wish more time which was granted. They will report to next meeting.
(P 240) By an extract taken from the minutes of the Preparative Meeting, it appears that Monroe Averill wishes to be joined in membership with Friends. After deliberation thereon, Solomon Edwards and L. C. White are appointed to have an opportunity with him on account thereof and report to next meeting.
A minute on the state of society was read to the encouragement and edification of the Meeting.
Having disposed of all business, this meeting concludes.
Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 4th month 20 1878.
The Friends appointed in 2nd month last to propose the names of suitable persons to serve this Meeting as overseers report the names of Jesse Beals and Thomas McDaniel who, being united with, are appointed accordingly.
The Friends appointed at last meeting to visit Monroe Averill report they find nothing to prevent him from being joined in membership with Friends and he is received accordingly. L. C. White is requested to inform him of the action of the Meeting and report to next meeting.
This meeting concludes.
Spring Grove MKonthly Meeting of Friends held 5th month 1878.
The 1st, 2nd and 8th queries with written answers thereto were read and approved in this Meeting and directed to be forwarded to the Quarterly Meeting by Jesse Beals, Reuben Davis, L. C. White and James A. Burks who are appointed as our representatives and report to next meeting with what may be given them in charge. The following is a summary of the answers.
1st Answer - All our meetings for worship and discipline have been attended by the most of our members though some are negligent in that important duty and the mid-week meetings are frequently.
(P 241)
Unbecoming behavior avoided. The hour of meeting pretty well observed.
2nd Answer - So far as appears Friends are preserved in a pretty good degree of Christian love. Talebearing and detraction is discouraged but not altogether avoided. Endeavors are used to end differences when any appear.
8th Answer - Care has been taken and endeavors used to comply with the requisition of this query.
John Terrell, N. C. Averill and Warner D. Burks are appointed as caretakers at our next Quarterly Meeting and are directed to report to next meeting.
By an extract taken from the minutes of the Lane Preparative Meeting, we are informed that Enoch Barker requests to be united in membership with Friends. After due consideration, Z. H. Bones and Jesse Beals were appointed to visit him on account thereof and report to next meeting
Having disposed of all the business, this meeting concludes.
Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 6th month 15th 1878.
The Friends appointed as our representatives report that they all attended Quarterly Meeting and that there was nothing given them in charge. The caretakers report that they attended to that part of their duty.
The Friends appointed in the case of Enoch Barker report that they find nothing to hinder him from being joined in membership with Friends and he is received accordingly. L. C. White, Jesse Beals, Rachel Stanley and Susan Bones are appointed to visit him for the spiritual encouragement of himself and family and report to next meeting.
Having disposed of all the business, this meeting concludes.
Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 7th month 20th 1878.
The Friends appointed to visit Enoch Barker report that they attended to their appointment.
W. D. Burks and Jesse Beals are appointed to procure the necessary statistics as required by the Quarterly Meeting and report to next meeting.
The recorder was directed to procure a book suitable for (unreadable) and report to next meeting.
This meeting concludes.
(P 242) Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 8th month 17th 1878.
The statistical committee informs this Meeting that they are not ready to report and they are directed to procure the statistics and place them in the hands of our representatives and report to next meeting.
The queries with written answers thereto were read and approved in this meeting and directed to be forwarded to the approaching Quarterly Meeting by J. A. Burks, L. C. White and Solomon Edwards who are appointed as our representatives and report to next meeting what may be given them in charge.
First Answer: All our meetings for worship and discipline have been attended by the most of our members though some are negligent in this important duty. Unbecoming behavior avoided. The hour for meeting pretty well observed.
2nd Ans.: As far as appears Friends are preserved in a pretty good degree of Christian love one toward another. Talebearing and detraction discouraged and nearly avoided. No differences among us that we know of.
3rd Ans.: Friends generally endeavor by example and precept to educate their children and those under their care in the principles of the Christian religion. A greater care in plainness of speach and reading the Holy Scriptures would be desireable.
4th Ans.: Friends are clear of importing, vending, distilling and the unnecessary use of intoxicating liquors. Not altogether clear of attending places of diversion. Moderation and temperance observed to a pretty good degree.
5th Ans.: No poor among us requiring aid that we know of.
6th Ans.: As far as appears Friends bear a testimony against priests' and ministers' wages, against slavery, oaths, bearing arms and military services, trading in goods taken in war and against lotteries.
(P 243)
7th Ans.: We believe Friends are careful to live within the bounds of their circumstances and not to involve themselves in business beyond their ability to manage and do not engage in hazardous (or) speculative trade and that they are just in their dealings, punctual in complying with their contracts and engagements and paying their debts seasonable.
8th Ans.: Care is taken to deal with offenders as queried after and in all the above deficiencies but more seasonable care might have been best.
Annual Answers
First Ans.: None.
2nd Ans.: Schools are encouraged for the education of our youth under the tuition of teachers in membership with Friends.
3rd Ans.: Each family of Friends if furnished with a copy of the Holy Scriptures. Some families endeavor to read a chapter with a devotional each day and others occasionally.
4th Answ.: This query is complied with.
A certificate was received, read and accepted from Union Monthly Meeting of Friends held at Union, Jasper Co., Mo. held 5th month 4th 1878, conveying to this meeting the right of membership of Solomon Edwards.
Silas Cook, having removed and settled within the limits of Bear Creek Mo. Meeting in Iowa, requests our certificate of his rights of membership to that Meeting.
Solomon Edwards and L. C. White are appointed to inquire according to discipline and if they find nothing to hinder, to produce a certificate to next meeting.
Reuben Davis, John Terrell and Wm. Wilson are appointed to bring forward the name of a Friend to serve this meeting as assistant clerk and report to next meeting.
(P 244) There being no further business this meeting concludes.
At Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 9th month 21st 1878.
The statistical committee reports as follows which was accepted by the Meeting.
No. of members 120.
No. of families and parts 35.
No. of childreen between 6 and 21 - 35.
No. received into membership by request 15.
No. received by certificate 2.
No. disowned -.
No resigned -.
No. of deaths 1.
Average age 1 year.
No. of established meetings 1.
No. of recorded ministers -.
No. meetings without recorded ministers 1.
No. who use tobacco 22.
No. who use intoxicating liquors as a beverage -.
Our representatives report that they all attended Quarterly Meeting except one for whose absence satisfactory reason was given and there was nothing given them in charge.
(P 245) The committee appointed at last meeting to prepare a certificate of membership for Silas Cook produced one which was approved and signed.
The committee appointed at last meeting to bring forward the name of a friend to serve the meeting as assistant clerk report that after reconsidering the matter, the Meeting did not require an assistant clerk with which this Meeting unites.
There being no farther business, this meeting concludes.
At Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 10th month 19th 1878.
By an extract taken from the minutes of the Preparative Meeting, we are informed that Wm. J. Ellis and Harriett J. Ellis his wife request to be joined in membership with Friends. After a time of deliberation, they were received and the following named Friends were appointed to inform them of the action of this Meeting and to offer spiritual encouragement as way may open and report to next meeting: Jesse Beals, Lydia Arnold, Isaac Arnold, Elisabeth Burks.
The missionary committee reports as follows which was accepted and the committee continued with the following named Friends in addition, Wm. H. Wilson, Allen Bones, Lydia Arnold and Thos. W. McDaniel, who are directed to report next 8th month.
Report of the missionary committee of Spring Grove Monthly Meeting held 20th of 10th month 1878:
We, the committee above named, have engaged in the work assigned us as follows. We have given considerable attention to the union prayer meeting at Spring Grove meeting house during the winter and first of spring. In those the Lord has been pleased to meet with us and to manifest Himself by the
(P 246)
breaking of bread in our midst to the satisfying of many hungering souls so that we could go on our way with joy and rejoicings. We have also distributed some tracts, the result of that labor not yet known. We have also had some private opportunities with individuals with astonishing results and we would admonish all Christians everywhere to lose no opportunity of speaking to an erring brother or sister and that in love, or a word of encouragement to any tribulated soul with whom we may meet - for while the windows of Heaven are open to the pouring out of blessings under the sound of a living gospel ministry so are they poured out upon those labors in privacy, for indeed it is our meat and drink to do our Master's will along the journey of life.
We have also held some meetings at Independence School house under very unfavorable circumstances yet we feel that our efforts are not lost there. We spent a prayer meeting last winter at Highland school house composed of Baptist, Methodists and Friends which has been generally kept every third day night in each week during spring and summer. Those meetings have been kept open for all denominations that attended to offer any vocal devotion that they felt inclined to and after the windows of Heaven were opened and blessings poured out upon us until there was scarcely room to contain them, we have also participated in prayer meetings that have been held with different families over the neighborhood. Those have also been seasons of refreshment. The Lord has been in our midst to bless us.
And now in making this our annual report to the Missionary Committee of Friends of Kansas Yearly Meeting, we would recommend the continuation of such labors, seeing the fields are white already to harvest and the laborers are few.
Signed on behalf of the committee,
Lewis C. White, Sec.
There being no farther business, this meeting concludes.
(P 247) At Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 11th mo. 16th 1878.
The Friends appointed at last meeting in case of Wm. J. Ellis and wife report that they attended to their appointment.
The following named Friends are appointed to attend the approaching Quarterly Meeting as our representatives and report their attendance with what may be given them in charge to next meeting: Quincy M. Averill, Wm. H. Wilson and Jesse Beals.
By an extract taken from the Preparative Meeting of Men Friends it appears that Wm. Cash requests to be joined in membership with Friends; and after a season of deliberation thereon, he was received. The following Friends are appointed with a like committee of Women Friends to inform him of the action of this Meeting and report to next meeting: Wm. H. Wilson and Jesse Beals.
By direction of the Monthly Meeting the time for holding the meeting of ministers, elders and overseers is changed to sixth day at 2 o'clock p.m. previous to Monthly Meeting. The clerk is directed to forward a copy of this minute to the Preparative Meeting of ministers, elders and overseers.
The business having been disposed of, this meeting concludes.
At Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 12th month 21st 1878.
Our representatives report that they all attended Quarterly Meeting except two for whose absence satisfactory reason was given and that there were 20 copies of our book of discipline given them in charge.
The committee appointed at last meeting in case of Wm. Cash report that they attended to their appointment.
By an extract from the Quarterly Meeting minutes, this Meeting is directed to raise and forward its respective apportionment ($9.38) of the Yearly Meeting's stock. Z. H. Bones and Jesse Beals are appointed to raise the amount and forward the same to the Yearly Meeting's treasurer, Richard A. Cox, and report to next meeting.
(P 247) W. H. Wilson and David Davis are appointed to propose the name of a Friend to serve this Meeting as clerk for the ensuing year and report to next meeting.
There being no farther business, this meeting concludes.
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