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Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 1st month 20th 1877.
At Spring Grove Monthly Meeting held 12th month 16th 1876 Isaac Arnold was appointed in connection with committee to produce certificates for Sarah Cook and her minor children produced one for Sarah Cook and her minor children--Alistos and Enos Cook--to Bear Creek, Iowa, which was approved and signed.
There being no further business, the meeting concluded.
(P 228) Spring Grove Monthly Meeting held second month 17th 1877.
The first, second and eighth queries with written answers thereto were read in this Meeting which the Meeting directs to be forwarded to the ensuing Quarterly meeting by Lewis Jones, Jesse Beals and L. H. Stanley who are appointed as our representatives to attend the Quarterly Meeting on behalf of this Meeting and report to next meeting.
First Answer - All our meetings for worship and discipline have been attended except two meetings for worship which the inclemency of the weather prohibited Friends from attending. Friends avoid unbecoming behavior thereon and the hour of meeting pretty well observed.
Second Answer - So far as appears, most Friends are preserved in a pretty good degree of Christian love one towards another. Talebearing and detraction discouraged but not altogether avoided. No differences amongst us.
Eighth Query - Care is taken to comply with the requisitions of this query.
The meeting then adjourned.
Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 3.17.1877.
The Friends appointed at last Meeting to attend the Quarterly Meeting as representatives report 2 of them attended the Quarter.
(P 229) The Monthly Meeting treasurer reports that the back indebtedness to the Quarterly Meeting has all been paid.
Philander and Hannah Blackledge attended this Meeting. Their company and gospel labors have been acceptable and edifying to us.
There being no further business to claim our attention, the Meeting concludes.
(In absence of the clerk, Isaac Arnold served the Meeting.)
Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 4.21.1877.
L. M. Stanley informed this meeting that he has accomplished his marriage contrary to Friends order and that he wishes to retain his right of membership. The Meeting unites in accepting his offering and continues him in full membership with us.
There being no further business to claim our attention, the Meeting concludes.
(Isaac Arnold served the Meeting as clerk.)
(P 230) Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held fifth month 19th 1877.
The clerk not being present, Jesse Beals was appointed for the day.
The queries addressed in this Meeting were read with written answers to them, a copy of which is directed to be forwarded to the ensuing Quarterly Meeting by the hands of John Terrell and Reuben Davis whom we appoint our representatives. They are directed to report to next meeting.
1st Answer - All the meetings for worship and discipline have been attended (except one) which was on account of the old meeting house being torn down and the new one not finished. Unbecoming behavior avoided and the hour of Meeting nearly observed.
2nd Answer - Friends are generally preserved in a pretty good degree of Christian love one toward another. Talebearing and detraction are discouraged but not altogether avoided. No differences amongst us.
The following named Friends are appointed as caretakers--Z. H. Bones and Lewis Jones.
The Meeting, having disposed of all the business before it, concluded.
(P 231) Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 6th month 16th 1877.
The clerk not being present, Jesse Beals was appointed for the day.
The representatives report that they all attended the Quarterly Meeting and there was nothing given them in charge.
The caretakers report they all attended the Quarterly Meeting.
There being nothing more before the Meeting, it concluded.
Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 7th month 21st 1877.
There was nothing on minute to come before the Meeting.
The subject of standing committees was brought up and discussed. There are no standing committees in this Monthly Meeting.
The following named Friends are appointed as a committee to procure all the necessary statistics as required by the Quarterly Meeting and produce to next Monthly Meeting. Also to assist the recorder in straightening up his book and to produce to next meeting the name of a suitable Friend to act as recorder for the ensuing year: Solomon Edwards, Lewis White, John Terrell, L. M. Stanley, Elizabeth Burk, Ann White and Mary Beals.
Women Friends read their epistles from Indiana and Baltimore Yearly Meetings. There was a lively feeling for the best interest of our little Society.
Nothing more, the Meeting concluded.
(P 232) Spring Grove monthly Meeting of Friends held 8th month 18th 1877.
The committee appointed at last Meeting to make out a statistical report as desired by the Yearly Meeting report they have not got all the statistics called for. They are continued and directed to finish getting them and furnish them to the representatives for the Quarterly Meeting and to report to next meeting. They are also requested to make out the answer to the third annual query. (Report will be found 11.17)
The queries with written answers thereto were read and approved in this Meeting and directed to be sent to the Quarterly Meeting by the following named Friends whom we appointed our representatives: Lewis C. White, Jesse Beals, Lewis Jones and Samuel Holaday. They are directed to report to next meeting.
The following is a summary of the answers.
1st Answer - All our meetings for worship and discipline have been attended. Unbecoming behavior in Meeting avoided. The hour of Mmeting pretty well observed.
2nd Answer - As far as appears, Friends are preserved in a fairly good degree of Christian love one towards another. Talebearing and detraction discouraged and nearly avoided. No differences amongst us that we know of.
3rd Answer - Friends generally endeavor by example and precept to educate their children and those under their care in the principles of the Christian religion. A greater care in regards to plainness of speach is desireable. The reading of the Holy Scriptures is encouraged.
(P 233)
4th Answer - Friends are clear of importing, vending, distilling and the unnecessary use of intoxicating liquors. Not altogether clear of attending places of diversion. Moderation and temperance observed to a pretty good degree.
5th Answer - No poor mongst us requiring aid that we know of.
6th Answer - As far as appears, Friends bear a testimony against priests' and ministers' wages, against slavery, oaths, bearing arms and military service, trading in goods taken in war and against lotteries.
7th Answer - We believe Friends are generally careful to live within the bounds of their circumstances and not to involve themselves in business beyond their ability to manage and do not engage in hazardous or speculative trade and that they are just in their dealings and punctual in complying with their contracts and engagements and pay their debts seasonably.
8th Answer - Care is taken to deal with offenders as queried after.
Annual Answers
First Answer - None.
Second - Schools are encouraged for the education of our youth under the tuition of teachers who are members with us.
Third - Each family of Friends is furnished with a copy of the Holy Scripture. Five families and two parts of families endeavor to read with a devotional pause each day but occasionally fail. Seven families and twelve parts of families read occasionally.
Fourth - The queries are read and answered as directed.
The Meeting, having disposed with all the business coming before it, concludes.
(P 234)
We, the Relief committee appointed in the 2nd month 1874, in our report of 1st month 15th 1875, reported a balance of $12.86 on hand which we have since appropriated for the good of the members of this Meeting in accordance with our best judgment.
Lewis Jones
Isaac Arnold
Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 9th month 15th 1877.
The clerk being absent, Jesse Beals is appointed for the day.
Our beloved Friend Catherine Hammer, a minister of the gospel, acceptably attended this Meeting and produced a minute of unity and concurrence from Cottonwood Monthly Meeting of Friends dated 7th month 7th 1877. Her company and gospel labors have been satisfactory and edifying.
An epistle from Western Yearly Meeting of Women Friends, also one from Canada Yearly Meeting of Women Friends have been read which was satisfactory and edifying to us.
The meeting then concluded.
Jesse Beals, Clerk for the day
Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 10th month 20th 1877.
Our beloved Friend Nathan Morris, a minister of the gospel, acceptably attended this Meeting without a minute, whose labors of love have been acceptable and edifying.
(P 235) Elizabeth Seal acceptably attended this Meeting whose labors of love have been pleasant and encouraging.
Lewis C. White, Jesse Beals, David Davis, Z. H. Bones, Mary Beals, Elizabeth Burks, L. M. Stanley, R. P. Stanley, A. W. Wasson, John Terrell and Sarah Henley are appointed as a Missionary Committee to act in unity with the Missionary Board of the Yearly meeting.
The Meeting, having disposed of the business that came before it, then concluded.
Lewis Jones, Clerk for the day
Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 11.17.1877.
Jesse Beals, Z. H. Bones, A. W. Wasson and Reuben Davis are appointed to attend the ensuing Quarterly Meeting as representatives and report to next Meeting.
The committee appointed in seventh month last to gather statistics and continued in the next month produced a report to this Meeting which is accepted and the committee is released. (A copy of this report was forwarded to the Quarterly Meeting.)
Report of committee on next page.
(P 296) Statistical report of Spring Grove Monthly Meeting for the year ending 8.18.1877.
1. Number of Members
2. Number of Families and parts
3. Number of Children between 6 and 21
4. Number Received into Membership
5. Number Disowned
6. Number Resigned
7. Number of Deaths 3, under 1 year 1, 69
8. Number of Established Meetings
9. Number of Recorded Ministers
10. Number of Meetings without Ministers
11. Number who habitually use tobacco
12. Number who use intoxicating liquors as a beverage.
Answers to 3rd Annual Queries:
Number of families who endeavor to read a portion of the Holy Scriptures daily with a devotional pause.
Number of parts of families.
Number of families who read occasionally.
Number of parts of families.
The committee appointed in 7th month last to assist the recorder, finding the books very much neglected as there has no recording done for several years, report that they don't see that they can be of any assistance and the committee is released.
The recorder is authorized to collect the matter necessary to be recorded from such sources as he has at his command and prepare them for recording and record the same.
(P 237) By a minute from the Preparative Meeting it appears that Joseph Bones, Susan Bones, James A. Burk, William H. Wilson, Hannah Wilson, Warner D. Burk, Bethel P. Averill, Mary E. Averill, Susannah Davis and Thomas W. McDonald (McDaniel?) request to be joined into membership with us. After a time of deliberation the Meeting is united in receiving them without farther action.
The following named Friends are appointed to visit the persons just received into membership to inform them of their reception and also for their help and encouragement: Jesse Beals, Sarah Henley, Z. H. Bones, L. C. White, R. P. Stanley and L. M. Stanley.
The business all being disposed of, the meeting concludes.
L. M. Stanley, Clerk
Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 12th month 15th 1877.
The clerk being absent, Jesse Beals was appointed clerk for the day.
Lewis C. White, Jesse Beals, A. W. Wasson, John Terrell and Reuben Davis are appointed to confer together and propose to next meeting the name of a Friend to serve this meeting as clerk the ensuing year.
The meeting then concluded.
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