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Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held first month 12th 1861.
The Friends appointed at last meeting to prepare a certificate for Jesse Kenworthy and family are not ready to report and they are continued to report when complied with.
The following named Friends are appointed to constitute a committee on education: Sarah Ann Mendenhall, Mary Pemberton, Millicent Jones and Louisa Dunbar.
The meeting then concluded.
Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held 2nd month 9th 1861.
The first, second and eighth queries were read in this meeting with written answers thereto which are directed to be forwarded to the ensuing Quarterly Meeting by Lucinda Barnard and Sarah Ann Mendenhall whom we appoint as our representatives and direct them to report to next meeting what may be given in charge.
The Friends continued at last meeting to prepare a certificate for Jesse Kenworthy and family are not yet ready to report and they are continued to report when complied with.
(P 24) John M. Coffin, having removed with his family and settled within the limits of South River Monthly Meeting, requests our certificate of their right of membership conveyed to that Meeting. Millicent Jones and Lucinda Barnard are appointed in conjunction with Men Friends to prepare and produce one to next meeting if they find nothing to hinder.
The meeting then concluded.
Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held 3rd month 9th 1861.
The Friends appointed at last meeting to prepare a certificate for John M. Coffin and family not complied with and they are continued to report when complied with.
The Friends continued at last meeting to prepare a certificate for Jesse Kenworthy and family produced one which was read, approved and signed.
The meeting then concluded.
Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held 4th month 13th 1861.
One of the representatives report there was nothing given them in charge.
The Friends continued at last meeting to prepare a certificate for John M. Coffin and family produced one which was read, approved and signed.
(P 25) The following named Friends are appointed to treat with Rachel R. Jones for accomplishing her marriage contrary to discipline: Sarah Ann Mendenhall, Mary C. Jones and Millicent Jones and to report to the meeting when complied with.
By an extract from South River Quarterly Meeting of ministers and elders, it appears they think Millicent Jones a suitable Friend to fill the station of elder with which this Meeting units and she is appointed to that station.
Taken from the minutes of South River Preparative Meeting of ministers and elders held 2nd month 22nd, 1861.
Nathan Craven, clerk
The meeting then concluded.
Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held 5th month the 18th 1861.
The following named Friends are appointed in conjunction with a similar committee of Men Friends to have charge of first day schools: Lovisa Gause, Elizabeth Holaday, Elizabeth Burks and Millicent Jones and they are directed to report in ninth month next.
The first, second and eighth (queries) were read in this meeting with written answers thereto which are directed to be forwarded to the Quarterly Meeting by Louisa Dunbar and Elizabeth Holaday whom we appoint as our representatives and direct them to report to next meeting.
The Friends continued at last meeting to prepare a certificate for John M. Coffin and family produced one which was read, approved and signed.
The meeting then concluded.
Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held 6th month the 8th 1861.
(P 26) A certificate was received, read and accepted from Lynn Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends, Iowa, held 5th month the 11th 1861, conveying to this (Meeting) the right of membership of C. O. Gause and Lovisa his wife with their minor son Casper U. Gause.
The meeting then concluded.
Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held 7th month 13th 1861.
The Friends appointed to treat with Rachel R. Jones for accomplishing her marriage contrary to discipline report they visited her to good satisfaction. She wishes to be continued a member. The same Friends are continued to inform Pleasant Plain Monthly Meeting of their proceedings.
The time having expired for which the present clerks were appointed, Elizabeth Holaday and Mary C. Jones are appointed to propose to next meeting the names of suitable Friends to serve the Meeting as clerk the ensuing year.
The following named Friends are appointed to visit Friends on Big Creek in Coffey County for their help and encouragement: Elizabeth Holaday, Lovisa Gause, Millicent Jones and Mary C. Jones.
The meeting then concluded.
Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held 8th month the 10th 1861.
The Friends appointed at last meeting to propose to this the names of Friends to serve the Meeting as clerks propose the name of Lovisa W. Gause for clerk and Mary C. Jones for assistant with whom this meeting unites and they are appointed accordingly.
(P 27) The queries were all read in this meeting with written answers thereto which are directed to be forwarded to the Quarterly Meeting. Lovisa Gause and Martha B. Winder whom we appoint as our representatives and direct them to report to next meeting what may be given them in charge.
The committee appointed at last meeting to visit Friends on Big Creek for their help and encouragement report they have not attended to their appointment; they are continued to the service and report to the meeting in the 11th month next.
The committee appointed on education report there has been nothing done in the way of schools the past year on account of the scattered condition of our members. They are continued and directed to report in 10th month next.
The meeting then concluded.
Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held 9th month the 14th 1861.
The meeting then concluded.
Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held 10th month 12th 1861.
The committee appointed in the 5th month last to have charge of the first day school report there has been no school the past summer owing to the scattered condition of Friends.
The representatives that were appointed to attend our last Quarterly Meeting report that circumstances would not admit of their attending and there has been nothing given them in charge.
The meeting then concluded.
Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held the 11th month the 9th 1861.
The committee continued in 8th month last to visit Friends on Big Creek report a part of them paid them (a visit) to good satisfaction. After a time of deliberation thereon, the Meeting was united in discontinuing the committee.
(P 28) The meeting then concluded.
Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Women Friends held 12th month 14th 1861.
A certificate was received, read and accepted for Elizabeth Burks from Salem Monthly Meeting, Iowa, bearing date 4th month 17th 1861. Also, one for Rachel R. Jones from Pleasant Plain, Iowa, dated 10th month 12th 1861.
Extracts from the minutes and advices of our last Yearly Meeting were read in this meeting which were satisfactory and edifying to us.
Noah Hiatt, having removed and settled with his family in the limits of South River Monthly Meeting of Friends, Iowa, requests our certificate of their rights of membership conveyed to that meeting. Elizabeth Burks and Lovisa Gause are appointed in conjunction with a committee of Men Friends to make the necessary inquiry and if they find nothing to hind, prepare and produce one to next meeting.
The meeting then concluded.
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