Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 1st month the 15th 1868.

The committee appointed at last meeting to seat the members of this Meeting report not attended to; they are therefore continued and directed to report to next meeting.

The Preparative Meeting, having complained of Adam Bishop for joining another religious society, Simon Jones and Jesse Beals are appointed to visit him and report to next meeting.

T. C. Dunbar and T. N. Jones are appointed to ascertain the cost of making benches for the meeting house and whether there is any money for that purpose.

The meeting unites in appointing T. C. Dunbar as treasurer of this meeting.

Jesse Beals, Calvin Barnard and Oliver Butler are appointed to propose to next meeting the names of two Friends to serve this Meeting as overseers.

The meeting then concluded.


(P 106, revised P 116) Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 2nd month the 15th 1868.

The 1st, 2nd, and 8th queries were read in this meeting with answers thereto and directed to be forwarded to the Quarterly Meeting in which we appoint our representatives, Jesse Beals, Simon Jones and Oliver Butler who are directed to report to next meeting what may be given them in charge.

First Ans.: All our meetings for worship and discipline have been attended by most Friends though others are negligent in that important duty; unbecoming behavior avoided; the hour of meeting observed.

Second Ans.: Most friends appear to be preserved in Christian love one toward another though we fear there is a lack with some in that particular; tale bearing and detraction discouraged and when differences arise endeavors are used to end them.

Eighth Ans.: Care is taken to deal with offenders seasonably and impartially and to endeavor to evince to those who will not be reclaimed (in) the spirit of meekness and love before judgment is placed upon them.

The committee continued at last meeting to seat the members make the following report: Jesse Beals, Simon Jones, Thomas Butler, Calvin Barnard and Allen Hayworth to occupy the first seat and T. C. Dunbar and A. W. Wasson the second which is satisfactory to the Meeting.

(P 107, revised P 116) The committee appointed to bring forward the names of two Friends to serve as overseers make report which is not satisfactory to the Meeting. They are discontinued and Jesse Beals, T. N. Jones and J. M. Dunbar are appointed to that service and directed to report to next meeting.

The Friends appointed in the 12th month last to raise our part of the money directed to be raised by the Quarterly Meeting report not attended to. They are continued to raise and forward it to the Quarterly Meeting and report to next meeting.

(P 117) The committee appointed to visit Adam Bishop report that they have had an opportunity with him and that he did not appear to be satisfied with Friends. They recommend that he be disowned and this Meeting acts accordingly and Thomas Jones is appointed to inform him of the judgment of this Meeting against him and to report to next meeting.

The Friends appointed to ascertain cost of making benches report a cost of 6.00 dollars and that there is no means to be had at present. They are continued to give further care and report when complied with.

The meeting then concluded.


Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 3rd month the 21st 1868.

The Clerk not being present, J. M. Dunbar is appointed clerk for the day.

The Friends appointed to attend our last Quarterly Meeting as representatives report two of them attended and received nothing in charge.

The committee appointed to bring forward name of two Friends for overseers not being ready to report are continued and report to next meeting.

The Friend continued at last meeting to raise and forward our quota of money to the Quarterly Meeting, not being ready to report in full, are continued and to report to next meeting.

(P 118) The Friend appointed at last meeting to inform Adam Bishop of the action of this meeting in his case reports not attended to, is continued and report to next meeting.

A part of the committee appointed by our last Quarterly Meeting to visit Subordinate Meetings, families and appoint meetings if truth may direct acceptably attended this meeting.

The meeting then concluded.


Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 4th month 18th 1868.

The committee continued at last meeting to propose the names of two Friends to serve as overseers report they do not deem it best to make any change. The meeting unites in reappointing T. C. Dunbar and A. W. Wasson to those stations.

The committee continued to raise our quota of money $16.55 raised and forwarded, are continued and directed to report to next meeting.

The Friend continued at last meeting to inform Adam Bishop of the action of this meeting in his case reports complied with.

The meeting then concluded.


Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 5th month 16th 1868.

The Clerk not being present, T. C. Dunbar was appointed Clerk for the day.

The 1st, 2nd, and 8th queries and answers thereto were read in this meeting and directed to be forwarded to the Quarterly Meeting in which we appoint as our representatives Thomas C. Dunbar, Oliver Butler and Calvin Barnard who are directed to report what may be given them in charge to next meeting.

(P 119) The committee continued at last meeting to raise the balance of our quota of money not having received any are continued and directed to report to next meeting.

Simon Jones, having requested the right of membership for himself and family to Spring River Monthly Meeting, Oliver Butler, Thomas C. Dunbar, and Jesse Beals are appointed to make the necessary inquiry and if they find nothing to hinder, prepare and produce one to next meeting.

The meeting then concluded.


Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 6th month 20th 1868.

The Friends appointed to attend our last Quarterly Meeting as representatives report one of their number attended and received nothing in charge for this Meeting.

The committee continued at our last meeting to raise the balance of our quota of money report not attended to, are continued and to report to next meeting.

The committee appointed at last meeting to prepare a certificate for Simon Jones and family produced one which was directed to be signed and forwarded.

Our beloved Friend, Mordecai Hiatt, a minister, and Rhoda his wife, an elder, attended this Meeting and produced a minute of unity and concurrence from Kansas Monthly Meeting bearing date 5th month 9th 1868, whose company and labors of love have been satisfactory to us.

The meeting then concluded.


(P 120) Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 7th month 18th 1868.

Our beloved Friend Joseph Pritchet, a minister, acceptably attended this Meeting with a minute of unity and concurrence from Pleasant Hill Mo. Meeting bearing date 4th month 7th 1868, and endorsed by Honey Creek Quarterly Meeting, whose company and labors of love have been satisfactory.

Also, our beloved Friend Thomas H. Lawrence, as companion to Joseph Pritchet, with a minute of unity and concurrence dated 5th month 12th 1868, whose company and orderly deportment have been satisfactory.

The committee continued at last meeting to raise our quota of money report not complied with, are continued and directed to report to next meeting.

The meeting then concluded.


Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 8th month 15th 1868.

The Clerk not being present, Oliver Butler is appointed for the day.

The queries and answers to them were read in this meeting and directed to be forwarded to the ensuing Quarterly Meeting in which we appoint as our representatives Jesse Beals, Washington Wasson, and Solomon Edwards who are directed to return what may be given them in charge to next meeting.

Annual queries also.

(P 121) A certificate was received, read and accepted from Rush Creek Monthly Meeting of Friends, Indiana, dated 7th mo. 11th 1868, conveying to this (Meeting) the rights of membership of Lewis C. White and family.

Also, one from Back Creek Monthly Meeting of Friends, N.C., dated 6th month 13th 1868, conveying to this (Meeting) the right of membership of Hannah McDaniel.

The Friends continued at last meeting to raise our quota of money report a balance of $6.29 yet behind, are continued, directed to raise it and report to next meeting.

The meeting then concluded.


Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 9th mo. 19th 1868.

The representatives appointed to attend our last Quarterly Meeting report two of them attended and received nothing in charge.

The committee continued at last meeting to raise our balance of money report the money raised and forwarded to the Quarterly Meeting.

This Meeting appoints Lewis C. White recorder of births and deaths and directs him to report to this Meeting in the 8th month next.

Jesse Beals, T. C. Dunbar, Lewis C. White, J. M. Dunbar are appointed to bring forward names to next meeting of some Friends to serve as committees on Education, Scriptural Schools, Book and Tract, and Freedmen.

The meeting then concluded.


(P 122) Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 10th month 17th 1868.

The Friends appointed at last meeting to propose to this the name of Friends to serve this Meeting as its several committees submit the following and they are appointed accordingly.

For Scriptural Schools

Asa Holaday Mary E. Kemp

Robert Hodson Phebe Jones

T. N. Jones Sarah Henley

J. M. Dunbar Cynthia Holaday

Lewis C. White Delilah Hayworth

For Committee on Education

Same names as above.

For Freedmen Committee

Solomon Edwards Amy Kemp

Lewis C. White Mary Beals

Jesse Beals Mary Wasson

Elizabeth Burk

For Book and Tract Committee

T. C. Dunbar Mary Dunbar

Oliver Butler Jane Durham

A. W. Wasson Rebecca Butler

T. N. Jones

Calvin Barnard

A certificate was received, read and accepted from Lynn Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends, Iowa, dated 9th month 8th 1868, conveying to this meeting the rights of membership of Thomas Butler and Amelia his wife and their minor son William.

(P 123) Our beloved Friend Sophia Elleman, a minister, acceptable attended this Meeting with a minute of unity and concurrence from Spring River Monthly Meeting of Friends dated 7th month 11th 1868.

Also our beloved Friend, Amos W. Hampton and wife, as companions to Sophia Elleman, acceptably attended this Meeting whose company and labors of love have been satisfactory to us.

The meeting then concluded.


Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 11th month 21st 1868.

As representatives to attend our next Quarterly Meeting we appoint J. M. Dunbar, Jesse Beals, and T. N. Jones who are directed to report to next meeting anything that may be given them in charge.

Spencer Hayworth presented to the Meeting an offering condemning his deviation from Friends rules which the Meeting accepts. Thomas Butler and Lewis C. White are appointed to inform him of its acceptance and report to next meeting.

A. W. Wasson requests to be released from the station of overseer. We, therefore, appoint Thomas Butler, J. M. Dunbar, and Lewis C. White to take into consideration the propriety of a change of overseers and report to next meeting the name of a Friend or Friends to serve in that station.

The meeting then concluded.


(P 124) Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 12th month 19th 1868.

The representatives report they all attended the Quarterly Meeting and were given in charge our apportionment of the Yearly Meeting minutes and London General Epistle which have been mostly distributed.

The committee appointed at last meeting to take into consideration the propriety of a change of overseers propose Jesse Beals and T. C. Dunbar with whom the Meeting unites and they are appointed.

From the extracts of our last Quarterly Meeting, this Meeting is directed to raise $18.00 for Yearly Meeting stock and $7.50 for Quarterly Meeting stock. The members are directed to pay their respective portions of those sums into the hands of the treasurer and he is directed to report in 2nd month next.

J. M. Dunbar and Lewis C. White are appointed to solicit subscriptions for the Indiana Bible Association of Friends and report in 2nd month next.

The reading of the minute on the state of society and London General Epistle is deferred until next meeting.

The meeting then concluded.


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