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Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 1st month the 20th 1866.
The committee appointed to procure wood report not yet attended to; they are continued and to report to next meeting.
A. W. Wasson, not being present, he is again continued and to report to next meeting.
Betsy Michel, having accomplished her marriage contrary to discipline, in a free will offering produced to this Meeting, asks Friends to pass it by and continue her a member as long as her future conduct will permit, which this Meeting accepts.
(P 79) Thos. C. Dunbar who was appointed to collect and forward to this Meeting the sum of $5.00 for Monthly Meeting stock, not having complied is continued and to report to next meeting.
Fredrick Henley and family having requested our certificate of their right of membership conveyed to Cottonwood Monthly Meeting of Friends, Kansas, James M. Dunbar and Calvin Barnard are appointed in conjunction with a like committee of Women Friends to make the necessary inquiry and if they find nothing to hinder prepare and produce one to next meeting.
The meeting then concluded.
Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held second month the 17th 1866.
Ans. First: All of our meetings for worship and discipline have been attended by most Friends; though some are negligent in that important duty; Friends avoid unbecoming behavior; the hour of meeting nearly observed.
Ans. 2nd: Most Friends appear to be preserved in Christian love one towards another though there is an apparent lack of love amongst some; talebearing and detraction discouraged and when differences arise endeavors are used to end them.
(P 80)
Ans. 8th: Care is taken to deal with offenders seasonably and impartially and endeavours are used to evince to those who will not be reclaimed (in) the spirit of meekness and love before judgment is placed upon them.
The first, second and eighty queries were read in this Meeting with answers thereto, which being approved are directed to be forwarded to the Quarterly Meeting in which as our representatives we appoint Simon Jones, Alfred W. Wasson and Calvin Barnard who are directed to report to next meeting.
T. C. Dunbar who was appointed to raise the sum of five dollars for Monthly Meeting reports attended to.
The committee continued at last meeting to procure wood report attended to.
A. W. Wasson who was appointed in the eleventh month last to forward to the Quarterly Meeting the freedmen's money reports attended to.
The committee appointed to prepare a certificate for Fredrich Henley and family produced one which was directed to be signed and forwarded.
Calvin Barnard is appointed to receive the money raised for Monthly Meeting stock and settle with those who furnished wood and report to next meeting.
(P 81) John H. Booth, having requested to become a member of the Society of Friends, Calvin Barnard and Simon Jones are appointed to visit him on account of his request and report to next meeting.
After dire consideration, this Meeting unites in relieving Solomon Edwards from the station of an elder.
Solomon D. Edwards requests to be released from serving this Meeting as overseer. The Meeting appoints Samuel Holaday, James M. Dunbar and Calvin Barnard to bring forward to next meeting the name of a Friend to serve in his stead.
The Meeting, having taking into consideration the change of correspondent, unite in appointing A. W. Wasson, James M. Dunbar and Adam Bishop to take into consideration the propriety of a change and also the propiety of changing the afsistant clerk and report to next meeting.
The meeting then concluded.
Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 3rd month 17th 1866.
The businefs from the Yearly and Quarterly Meetings claiming the attention of this Meeting is deferred until next meeting.
Calvin Barnard and James M. Dunbar are appointed to settle with the treasurer and to bring forward to next meeting the name of a Friend for treasurer.
The committee appointed to bring forward the name of a Friend to serve this Meeting as overseer not being ready to report, are continued and to report to next meeting.
(P 82) Calvin Barnard who was appointed to settle with those who furnished wood report attended to and that there is a balance of one dollar in his hands which is directed to be placed in the hands of the committee relative to correspondence to defray the expense of postage and paper.
The committee appointed to visit John H. Booth on account of his request report that they have had an opportunity with him to good satisfaction and are free that he be received into membership with Friends which is satisfactory to the Meeting and he is received accordingly. Calvin Barnard is appointed to inform John H. Booth of the decision of this Meeting in his case and report to next meeting.
The committee appointed to take into consideration the propriety of changing correspondent and assistant clerk report not complied with. They are continued and to report to next meeting.
The representatives apppointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting report they all attended except one.
Our beloved Friend Lydia M. Chaise acceptably attended this Meeting and produced a minute of unity and concurrence from Springfield Monthly Meeting of Friends dated third month 15th 1866, whose gospel labors have been satisfactory and edifying.
(P 83) Our beloved Friends Eli and Jemima Vestal attended this Meeting in company with Lydia M. Chaise with a minute of unity and concurrence from the same Meeting bearing same date whose company has been satisfactory to us.
Thie meeting then concluded.
Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 4th month 21st 1866.
The committee appointed to examine the treasurer and to propose to this Meeting the name of a Friend for treasurer report not attended to. They are continued and to report to next meeting.
The committee appointed to bring forward the name of a Friend for overseer propose A. W. Wasson which is satisfactory to the Meeting and he is appointed accordingly.
By an extract from our last Quarterly Meeting, it appears that the Monthly Meetings are directed to raise in their respective proportions the sum of one hundred and thirty seven dollars and fifty cents for Yearly Meeting stock, including twenty eight dollars and eighteen cents to make up a deficiency in Whites Institute, twenty dollars and sixty two cents being our part. Samuel Holaday and Calvin Barnard are appointed to collect the same and produce it to next meeting.
Calvin Barnard, who was appointed to inform J. H. Booth of the decision of this Meeting in his case, reports attended to.
(P 84) The committee appointed to take into consideration the changing of assistant Clerks propose the name of Samuel Holaday which is satisfactory to this Meeting and he is appointed accordingly. They also report that in their judgment there should be a change in correspondent. They are directed to bring forward the name of a Friend to this Meeting in the seventh month next to fill that station.
The subject of first day schools being brought before the Meeting, J. M. Dunbar, Samuel Holaday, Simon Jones and A. W. Wasson are appointed to endeavor to organize a first day school or schools within the limits of this Meeting and report to this Meeting in the eighth month next.
The meeting then concluded.
Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 5th month the 19th 1866.
The first, second and eighth queries were read in this meeting with the following answers which are directed to be forwarded to the ensuing Quarterly Meeting by Simon Jones and A. W. Wasson who are directed to report to next meeting.
First Ans.: All our meetings for worship and discipline have been attended by most Friends though a great lack is manifested in some in that important duty; unbecoming behavior avoided; the hour of meeting nearly observed.
Second Ans.: Friends are mostly preserved in Christian love though there is a lack in one or two instances; talebearing an detraction discouraged; when differences arise endeavours are used to end them.
8th Ans.: Care is taken to deal with offenders and to evince to those who will not be reclaimed (in) the spirit of meekness and love before judgment is placed upon them.
(P 85) The committee appointed to examine the treasury and propose to this Meeting the name of a Friend for treasurer report that after some repairs to the meeting house the treasury will be exhausted. Simon Jones is appointed treasurer.
The Committee appointed to raise $20.62 cts for Yearly Meeting stock report attended to which is directed to be forwarded to the Quarterly Meeting by the hands of our representatives.
The committee appointed to endeavor to raise the sum of $112.50 cts for the freedmen's committee and produce it to this Meeting report not complied with; they are therefore continued and directed to report to this Meeting in the eighth month next.
The meeting then concluded.
Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held sixth month the 16th 1866.
The representatives report that one of them attended the Quarterly Meeting and produced an extract from that meeting.
(P 86) By an extract from our last Quarterly Meeting it appears that the Monthly Meetings are directed to raise $40 in their respective proportions, $6.00 being our part. T. H. Booth is appointed to raise that sum and produce it to this Meeting in the 8th month next.
The meeting then concluded.
Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 7th month the 21st 1866.
The meeting then concluded.
Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 8th month 18th 1866.
The clerk not being present, J. M. Dunbar was appointed clerk for the day.
First Answer: All our meetings for worship and discipline attended by most Friends, though a great lack is manifest in some in that important duty; unbecoming behavior avoided; the hour of meeting nearly observed.
2nd Answer: Friends are mostly preserved in love though there is a lack in one or two instances; talebearing and detraction discouraged; when differences arise endeavors are used to end them.
3rd Answer: Friends endeavor by example and precept to educate their children and those under their care in the principles of Christian religion and in plainefs of speech, deportment and apparel; they are guarded against pernicious books and from corrupt conversation and encouraged to read the Holy Scriptures diligently.
(P 87)
4th Answer: Friends are clear in the several particulars of that query so far as we know.
5th Answer: No poor amongst us requiring aid.
6th Answer: No cause of complaint in the several particulars of this query that we know of.
7th Answer: No cause for complaint under that head.
8th Answer: None under this.
The queries and following answers were read in this meeting as directed and directed to be forwarded to the Quarterly Meeting in which we appoint as our representative A. W. Wasson and Simon Jones. They are directed to return what may be given them in charge and report to next meeting.
The annual queries and answers were read in this meeting.
Our beloved Friend, Andrew F. Evans, a minister, acceptably attended this Meeting and produced a minute of unity and concurrence from Kansas Monthly Meeting of Friends bearing date 6th month 13th 1866.
Our beloved Friend, John Bond, acceptably attended this Meeting and produced a minute of unity and concurrence from Honey Creek Monthly Meeting of Friends, Iowa, dated 5th month 26th 1866.
(P 88) Our beloved Friend, Hiram rEECE, acceptably attended this Meeting in company with Andrew F. Evans and produced a minute from Kansas Monthly Meeting committee dated 8th month 15th 1866.
A certificate of right of membership was received from South River Monthly Meeting, was read and accepted, conveying to this the right of membership of Elkana Murdock dated 7th month 28th 1866.
Also, one for Isaac Murdock and Ann his wife from same place and bearing same date.
Also, one for John Murdock and Angeline his wife dated same time and same place.
Also, one received, read and accepted, conveying to this Meeting the right of membership of Townsend B. Murdock from South River dated 7th month 28th 1866.
Also, one for Mary Hayworth and her minor children, George C., David L., Elvina A., Mary C., Sarah I., and Milantice A. from same place bearing date 7th month 28th 1866.
The Friends appointed in 6th month last to collect this Meeting's quota of money not being present, Samuel Holaday is appointed to collect the same and place it in the hands of the representatives to be forwarded to the Quarterly Meeting and report to next meeting.
(P 89) The committee appointed in 2nd month last to take in consideration a change of correspondent and continued in 3rd month and to report next meeting propose the name of James M. Dunbar instead of C. O. Gause, with which the Meeting unites and directs to be forwarded to the Quarterly Meeting by the hands of the representatives.
The subject of Friends who live at a distance from Meeting being brought before this Meeting and being considered, we appoint Simon Jones, A. W. Wasson and Calvin Barnard in conjunction with a like committee of Women Friends to visit such as best wisdom may direct and report to this Meeting in the 11th month next.
This meeting concludes.
Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 9th month 15th 1866.
The businefs claiming the attention of this Meeting is deferred to next meeting.
This meeting concludes.
Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 10th month 20th 1866.
The clerk not being present J. M. Dunbar is appointed clerk for the day.
(P 90) The Friends appointed at last meeting to collect this Meeting's quota of money and forward to the Quarterly Meeting reports not complied with, is continued, and directed to report to next meeting.
A certificate of right of membership was read and accepted from Springfield Monthly Meeting, Kansas, conveying to this the right of membership of Benjamin Meaker and wife Rachel with their minor children, Alparetta, Emma, Phebe, Harriet, Davis, Louisa and Robert, bearing date 8th month 16th 1866.
Sarah Ann Mendenhall, having requested her right of membership with her minor son Charles to be conveyed to Springfield Monthly Meeting, we appoint Thomas C. Dunbar and Samuel Holaday with a like committee of Women Friends to make the necessary inquiry and if they find nothing to hinder, prepare and produce one to next meeting.
Adam Bishop produced an offering to this Meeting condemning his hasty conduct, asking Friends to forgive and treat him as his future conduct may deserve which is accepted by this Meeting.
Our beloved Friend, Andrew Horten, a minister, acceptably attended this Meeting and produced a minute of unity and concurrence from Kansas Monthly Meeting of Friends dated 9th month 12th 1866.
(P 91) Also, our beloved Friend, Benajah Hiatt, acceptably attended this Meeting and produced a certificate from a committee of Kansas Monthly Meeting.
The resignation of C. O. Gause being brought before this Meeting is accepted and directed to be entered on its minute. A. W. Wasson is appointed to inform him of the action of this Meeting and report to next meeting.
To Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends to be held 5th mo. 1866: This is to certify that I resign my right of membership in the Society of Friends and I authorize the Monthly Meeting to record this my resignation on the minutes.
Charles O. Gause
The meeting then concluded.
Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 11th month 17th 1866.
The clerk not being present Samuel Holaday was appointed Clerk for the day.
The following named Friends are appointed representatives to attend the Quarterly Meeting and they are directed to report to next meeting: Samuel Holaday and T. C. Dunbar.
The Friends continued at last meeting to collect this Meeting's quota of money and forward it to the Quarterly Meeting report not attended to; they are continued and to report to next meeting.
(P 92) The Friends appointed at last meeting to prepare a certificate for Sarah Ann Mendenhall with her minor son Charles produced one which was approved and directed to be signed and forwarded to Springfield Meeting, Kansas.
This meeting concludes.
Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 12th month 15th 1866.
The Friends appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting report they all attended and were give in charge a number of Yearly Meeting's minutes and London General Epistle's which have been mostly distributed.
For Salem Monthly Meeting, Westfield Quarterly, Hugh Maxwell's addrefs changed to Lotus, Union Co., Indiana.
For Gilead Monthly Meeting, Center Quarterly, Joel Haskins address Gilead, Lewis County, Missouri.
For Carthage Monthly Meeting, Spiceland Quarterly, Henry Hendley, Carthage, Rush Co., Indiana.
For Walnut Ridge Monthly Meeting, Walnut Ridge Quarterly, Micajah C. Binford, Carthage, Rush Co., Indiana.
For Spring Grove Monthly Meeting, Kansas Quarterly, James M. Dunbar, Osawatomie, Miami County, Kansas.
For Chesterfield Monthly Meeting, Ohio, Fairfield Quarterly, Isaac Parker, addrefs, Chesterfield, Morgan Co., Ohio.
(P 93) For Kansas Monthly Meeting, Kansas Quarterly, David Hadley in the place of Jones C. Wilson removed from their limits. Addrefs, Springdale, Leavenworth Co., Kansas.
Complaint: Duncan Holaday, having accomplished his marriage contrary to discipline, J. M. Dunbar and Simon Jones are appointed to visit him and report the result of their labor to next meeting.
Friends residing in Cherokee County, Kansas, having requested to hold a Meeting for worship on first and fourth days of each week, also a Preparative on fourth day preceding the second seventh day in each month, also a Monthly Meeting on the second seventh day in each month, said Meetings to be known by the name of Spring River; after due consideration the Meeting united in forwarding it to the Quarterly Meeting.
The Friends continued at last meeting to collect this Meeting's quota of money and forward it to the Quarterly Meeting report attended to.
A. W. Wasson who was appointed to inform C. O. Gause of this Meeting's decision in his case report not attended to; he is continued with the addition of Calvin Barnard, and they are directed to report to next meeting.
James M. Dunbar and Oliver Butler are appointed to raise this Meeting's quota of Yearly Meeting stock and also this Meeting's part of the freedmen's fund and produce it to next meeting.
(P 94) Our beloved Friend, John Hammer, a minister, acceptably attended this Meeting with a minute of unity and concurrence from Cottonwood Monthly Meeting of Friends, Kansas, dated 9th mo. 20th 1866, whose company has been satisfactory to us.
This meeting concludes.
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