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(Pages 148 and 149 missing)
(P 150) Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 2nd month 21st 1885.
The committee appointed to inform John and Anna Roberts and D. J. Givens that they are received into membership with Friends report attended to.
The committee appointed to secure someone to have the care of the meeting house, build fires, etc. report $4.00 has been paid to A. Burks for the keeping of the house and $3.75 has been raised and paid out for coal. They are released.
The committee appointed to settle with the treasurer and to propose to this Meeting the name of a suitable Friend to serve this Meeting as treasurer, not being ready to report, are continued and directed to report to next meeting.
The committee appointed at last meeting to assist the recorder in examining the books report that it is their judgment that it would be best to appoint a committee to assist the recorder in recording with which this Meeting unites and the following named friends are appointed and to report in 6th month: Ahijah Bond, Sarah J. Bond, John B. Gluyas and Aseneth Henderson.
The committee appointed at last meeting to bring forward names to constitute the Evangelistic Committee and one on Temperance and Education and Book, Tract and Peace report as follows.
For Evangelistic committee: Eli Henderson, Matilda Steward, Louisa E. Updegraff, Ahijah Bond, Elizabeth Melton, Charley Gage, Eunice Edwards, Charles N. Averill, Harriett Grewell and Rachel Whitaker.
(P 151) For Temperance committee: Ella Burks, Samuel Edwards, Catherine Gage, Alice Dunbar, Thomas J. Melton, Thomas B. Winslow, Susan Bones and Calvin B. Whitaker.
For Committee on Education: Elizabeth Burks, Sarah Bones, Henry Grewell, John Steward and Warner D. Burks.
For Committee on Books, Tracts and Peace: Lydia Davis, Ellen Bones, Ella Winslow, Lydia Arnold, Austin Hatcher, Rachel Whitaker and L. C. White, with which this Meeting unites and they are appointed accordingly.
Spring Grove Preparative Meeting of Ministers and Elders request that the time of holding their meeting be changed from sixth day to seventh day before Monthly Meeting at 9 1/2 o'clock. This Meeting grants their request.
Louise E. Updegraff, Mary Beals, Eli Henderson, and John Steward are appointed as representatives to attend the ensuing Quarterly Meeting and report to next meeting what may be given them in charge.
Report of work in Edgewood neighborhood: The committee would report all the meetings have been attended to good satisfaction. We held a two-day meeting in the summer. Also W. P. Hayworth held meetings one week during holidays with good results. We have kept up prayer meeting once per week most of the
(Pages 152 and 153 missing)
(P 154) Charles Averill, John B. Gluyas, Thomas Melton and Elizabeth Burks are appointed to propose to next meeting the name of a Friend to act as correspondent in the place of Thomas W. McDaniel.
Louisa E. Updegraff, Ellen Bones, Ahijah Bond, Matilda Steward, Joseph Bones, Thomas Melton, John Steward, Charles Averill, Elizabeth Melton, Alice Dunbar, Sarah Bones, Eli Henderson and Charles Gage are appointed to visit the members of our Monthly Meeting as way shall open for it and report in 7th month next.
The meeting then concluded.
Ahijah Bond, Clerk for the day
Sarah J. Bond, Clerk
Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 5th month 16th 1885.
Women Friend's Clerk being absent Louisa E. Updegraff was appointed clerk for the day.
The committee appointed in Thomas McDaniel's case report attended to.
The committee appointed in Arvilla Evans' case (formerly Shafer) report attended to.
The committee appointed to propose to this Meeting the name of a suitable Friend to serve as correspondent are united in proposing the name of John Steward with which this Meeting unites and he is appointed accordingly.
Ahijah Bond, Henry Grewell, Warner D. Burks, Anna White, Martha Dunbar, Eli Henderson and Rachel Whitaker are appointed as representatives to attend the ensuing Quarterly Meeting and report to next meeting what may be given them in charge.
(P 155) John B. Gluyas, Leander Dunbar, T. B. Winslow, Samuel Edwards, Charles Gage, Susan Bones, L. E. Updegraff, Ellen Bones, Ella Burks and Mattie Steward are appointed as caretakers to attend the ensuing Quarterly Meeting.
The treasurer of this Meeting is directed to pay expenses incurred by the Trustees in getting the Title to the meeting house lot perfected.
Also the expenses incurred in clearing the title on the graveyard lot.
The representatives appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting in the third month report the cause of their absence was disagreeable weather.
Eli Henderson, a minister of the Gospel, returned the minute granted him 5th month 17th 1884, and a minute was granted him to work in Kansas and Missouri by appointing meetings or otherwise as truth may open the way.
The meeting then concluded.
Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 6th month 20th 1885.
The representatives appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting report they all attended but one for whose absence a reasonable excuse was rendered.
The committee appointed in 2nd month to assist the recorder are not ready to make a full report. They are continued and directed to report in 8th month.
John Steward, Thomas B. Winslow, Ahijah Bond, Lewis C. White, and John B. Gluyas are appointed to make out a new ratio of ...
(Pages 156 through 158 missing)
(P 159) Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 9th month 19th 1885.
The committee to inform Isaiah Frazier and Franklin Denney of this Meeting's action report attended to.
The representatives report they all attended but one.
The committee appointed to make out a ratio of apportionment
for balance due on Yearly Meeting stock for the years
1883 and 1884 (amount $45.88) make the following report. The meeting
making some changes.
James N. Burks 8
pr ct of 100 Leander H. Dunbar 4 pr ct of 100Henry D. Grewell 3 Charles Mumford 2
L. C. White 5 Theodore White 1
Joseph Bones 5 Joseph White 1
Zephaniah Bones 6 R. C. Jones 1
John B. Gluyas 7 Charles N. Averill 3
John B. Gluyas 7 Q. M. Averill 2
John Steward 6 Ellen Bones 1
Warner D. Burks 7 1/2 Mary Beals 3 by cash $1.60
David Davis 1 1 /2 Louisa E. Updegraff 2
Reuben Davis 1 1/2 Mariah Ellis 1
Thomas B. Winslow 1 Emma Downing 1
Calvin Barnard 7 Jane Durham 1
J. M. Grewell 1 Debra Hamilton 1
Thomas J. Melton 1 Mary Jones 1
L. M. Stanley 1 Lucinda Luzadder 1
Isaac Arnold 1 Marilda McDaniel 1
Wm. J. Ellis 2 Gulia Johnson 1 by cash 50 cts
John Terrell 3 Lydia Arnold 1/2
(P 160) The committee appointed to make out a statistical and educational make the following report with which this Meeting unites.
Annual Statistical Report
From Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends
held 9th month 19th 1885
1. No. of Births 6 14. No. of families in which there
2. No. of Deaths 0 is daily collection for reading
3. Received into membership the holy scripture and for
by request 3 devotion 12
4. By certificate from other 15. No. of isolated members 30
Yearly Meetings 0 16. No. of Established Meetings 1
5. Disowned 0 17. No. of recorded ministers 2
6. Resigned 2 18. No. of meetings without
7. Removed to other Yearly 0 recorded ministers 0
8. No. of Members 161
9. No. of Males 73
10. No. of Females 88
11. No. under 21 years of age 62 On behalf of the Committee,
12. No. of Families 33
13. No. of Parts of Families 15 John B. Gluyas
Report on Education as reported to the Quarterly Meeting:
1. No. of members in your Monthly Meeting between the
ages of 6 and 21 years. 58
2. Of these how many have attended an educational institute
of any kind in the past year? All
3. How many of your members over 21 years of age have
attended any educational institute the past year? 1
4. Have you any members who are growing up destitute of
a school education? None
5. What is the average length of time which your children
have attended school? About 7 months
6. How many have pursued branches beyond those required by law? 2
(P 161)
7. Please name the branches that have been pursued above the
requirements of law: Chemistry, Philosophy, Botany, Drawing, Stenography, Bookkeeping, Algebra, Composition, Greek, History, Grammar.
8. How many of your members have attended any college or
university the past year? 1
10. Name the college: Manhattan Agricultural College
11. How many academies or graded schools under the control of
Friends in your Monthly Meeting? None
12. How many members of your Monthly Meeting have been engaged
in schooling the past year, either in or beyond your limits? 2
13. How many of these have attended a Normal School? 1
14. How many appear to have adopted teaching as a profession? 2
15. How many of your children attend schools where the instruction is
merely secular, no attention being given to moral instruction? Answer to 15th is hard to answer, yet there is some morality taught in most of the schools.
On behalf of the committee,
John Steward
The committee appointed to visit the members of this Monthly Meeting report the work has had some attention to good satisfaction and they are released.
A certificate was received today for Isachar Kellum and minor children, Lavina and William Kellum, from Dale Monthly Meeting of Friends. This meeting appoints W. D. Burks, Matilda Steward and Ahijah Bond to visit them for their help and encouragement and to report to next meeting.
(Pages 162 through 164 missing)
(P 165) Louisa E. Updegraff, Eunice Edwards, James Crumbly and Ellen Bones are appointed as an Evangelistic and Pastoral Committee to cooperate with the Quarterly Meeting Superintendent in carrying on the work in their respective limits. Each Monthly Meeting committee to appoint one of their number Clerk and these Clerks with the Quarterly Meeting Superintendent as Chairman to constitute an Executive Committee for the Quarter.
Matilda Steward and Ellen Bones returned their minutes granted them for religious work with a satisfactory report of their work.
Elizabeth Burks, Mary Beals, H. D. Grewell, and T. J. Melton are appointed to bring forward names of two suitable Friends to serve as Clerks and report to next meeting.
The meeting now adjourns.
Thomas B. Winslow
Sarah J. Bond, Clerks
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