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(P 141) Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held first month 15th 1870.
The clerk reports complied (with) the direction of last meeting in regard to Nathan Morris' certificate.
The committee continued in case of Allen Hayworth's certificate report they have given the subject some further attention, are continued and required to report to next meeting.
The committee continued at last meeting having charge of repairing and warming the meeting house make report which is satisfactory to this meeting.
The committee appointed at last meeting to make out an apportionment among the members by which to raise money produced one which was referred back to committee with the addition of the name of Calvin Barnard and report required at next meeting.
Lewis Jones, Oliver Butler, George Coffin and Calvin Barnard are appointed in conjunction with like committee of Women Friends to forward names to next meeting of Friends to serve as standing committees on various subjects, viz: First-Day Scripture Schools, Education and Book and Tract.
Calvin Barnard and James Dunbar are appointed to propose the names of two Friends to serve as Trustees of the property belonging to this Meeting and make inquiry concerning same and report to next meeting.
Jesse Beals and Thomas Butler are appointed as caretakers of the graveyard, attending funerals, etc.
(P 142) Our beloved friend Nathan Morris, a minister whom we have unity, laid before this Meeting a concern to visit in gospel love the Meetings within the verge of Spring River Quarterly Meeting and to appoint some meetings from amongst Friends if way shows open with which this Meeting unites and leaves him at liberty to attend to his prospect. Thomas Butler and Jesse Beals are appointed to see that he is suitably fitted out and report to next meeting.
The meeting then concluded.
Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 2nd month 19th A.D. 1870.
The first, 2nd, and 8th queries were read in this meeting and answers thereto and directed to be forwarded to the Quarterly Meeting in which we appoint as our representatives Thomas Butler, Nathan Morris and Jesse Beals who are required to report to next meeting.
The committee appointed at previous meeting and continued from time to time in Allen Hayworth's request, not being able to make out a certificate satisfactory, are continued and required to report to next meeting.
The committee continued at last meeting to make out an apportionment by which to raise money produced the following which is adopted by this Meeting.
(P 143)
Calvin Barnard 9 per cent to the dollar
Thomas Butler 7
Samuel Holaday 7 Frederick Wygant 2
Duncan Holaday 7 Alexander Burk 2
Jesse Beals 5 T. P. Morgan 2
Nathan Morris 6 Samuel Rowcroft 2
James Dunbar 5 C. O. Gause 2
Oliver Butler 5 John Duncan 2
A. W. Wasson 5 John Butler 2
Asa Holaday 5 John Henly 2
T. C. Dunbar 5 Mahlon Holaday 2
Lewis C. White 2
Lewis Jones 2
Robert Hodson 2
Spencer Hayworth 2
Reuben Davis 2
George Coffin 2
William Grant 2
The committee appointed at last meeting to produce to this the named of Friends to serve as standing committees produced the following which is accepted by this meeting.
First-Day Scripture Schools
Jesse Beals Louisa Dunbar
Calvin Barnard Rebecca Butler
Nathan Morris Cynthia Holaday
Lewis White Amelia Butler
Committee on Education
Thomas Butler Sarah K. Grant
George F. Coffin Sarah Henley
Samuel Holaday Elizabeth Burk
Book and Tract Committee
T. C. Dunbar Sarah J. Wygant
Oliver Butler Lucinda Barnard
Asa Holaday Abigail Morris
(P 144) The committee appointed at last meeting to propose to this Meeting suitable Friends to serve as Trustees of the property belonging to this Meeting and to make inquiry concerning same not being able to make satisfactory report at this time, are continued to report to next meeting.
The committee appointed to see to the fitting out of Nathan Morris on his proposed visit report attended to.
The committee appointed in 12th month last to collect this Meeting's apportionment of money and required to report to this meeting having not received anything are continued to collect the same if possible and forward to the Quarterly Meeting and report to this Meeting in 3rd month next.
Nathan Morris and Jesse Beals are appointed to propose to next meeting the name of a Friend to serve this Meeting as clerk the ensuing year and one for assistant, also one for treasurer.
Our beloved Friend Nathan Morris, a minister, now returns his minute granted him in first month last to visit the Meetings within the verge of Spring River Quarter and expressed in this meeting that he had attended thereto to the peace of his mind which is satisfactory to this meeting.
The meeting then concluded.
(P 145) Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 3rd month 19th A.D. 1870.
The representatives report two of their number attended the Quarterly Meeting.
The committee continued from last meeting in Allen Hayworth's (request) regret not being able to report satisfactory, are continued to next meeting.
The committee continued from last meeting in case of Trustees of property belonging to this Meeting, not being ready to report, are continued until next meeting.
The committee appointed in the 12th month last and continued in 2nd month to collect this Meeting's quota of money and forward the same to the Quarterly Meeting report forwarded Yearly Meeting stock $9.18, Quarterly Meeting stock $9.18, Freedmen's $1.44, former direction 74 cents, leaving balance of Yearly Meeting stock $12.66, Quarterly Meeting stock $16.82, former direction $7.65, Freedmen's money $14.56. The committee is continued and required to report to next meeting.
The committee appointed at last meeting to propose the name of a Friend to serve this Meeting as clerk the ensuing year and also one for assistant propose the name of James M. Dunbar for clerk and Lewis Jones for assistant with which the Meeting unites and they are appointed. (They) also proposed the name of Thomas Butler for treasurer with (which) the Meeting unites and he is appointed accordingly.
Lewis Jones, Thomas Butler and George Coffin are appointed to propose to next meeting the name of two Friends to serve this Meeting in the station of overseers.
(P 146) The Preparative Meeting of Ministers and Elders of this Meeting make request that the time of holding said meeting be changed to sixth day preceding Monthly Meeting at two o'clock in the 2nd, 5th, 8th and eleventh months which request is united with and the change made accordingly. The Clerk is directed to furnish a copy of minutes.
A certificate of right of membership was received, read and accepted from Rush Creek Monthly Meeting of Friends held 3rd month 12th 1870 conveying to this (Meeting) the rights of Martha Ann Holaday with her minor children, Harriett, Charles J., Sarah Ann and Walter. The Clerk is directed to inform Rush Creek Monthly Meeting of its acceptance and report to next meeting.
Nathan Morris, Lewis Jones and Calvin Barnard are appointed to inquire how many families and parts of families belonging to this Meeting are destitute of copy of Discipline of Indiana Yearly Meeting and report to next meeting.
The meeting then concluded.
Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 4th month the 16th A.D. 1870.
Our beloved friend Nathan Morris, a minister with whom we have unity, expressed in this meeting a concern that had rested upon his mind to visit in the gospel love the Meetings belonging to Cottonwood Quarterly Meeting and to appoint some meetings going and returning as way may open with which this Meeting unites and leaves him at liberty to attend thereto as best wisdom may direct. Thomas Butler and Jesse Beals are appointed to the fitting out for the proposed visit and report to next meeting.
The committee continued having charge of Allen Hayworth's request, finding that he has returned and settled in the limits of this meeting, are released from further service in that case.
(P 148) Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 5th month 21st A.D. 1870.
The first, second and eighth queries were read in this meeting and the following answers thereto which were approved and directed to be forwarded to the Quarterly Meeting in which we appoint as our representatives James Dunbar, Oliver Butler and Jesse Beals who are directed to return what may be given them in charge to this meeting in 6th month next.
(P 149) The committee appointed in 12th month last and continued from last meeting to collect this Meeting's quota of money report nothing received since last meeting, are continued and required, if practicable, to collect the balance and forward to the ensuing Quarterly Meeting and report to next meeting.
The committee continued from last meeting to propose the names of two Friends to serve in the stations of overseers of this Meeting proposed the names of Calvin Barnard and Lewis C. White with whom the Meeting unites and they are appointed accordingly.
The meeting then concluded.
Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 6th month the 18th A.D. 1870.
Our beloved Friend Nathan Morris, a minister, now returns his minute granted him in the 4th month last to visit in the gospel love the Meetings belonging to Cottonwood Quarterly Meeting and expressed in this meeting that he had attended to the prospects there as set forth to the peace and satisfaction of his which is satisfactory to this meeting.
The representatives report two of them attended the Quarterly Meeting and received nothing in charge for this Meeting.
The committee appointed in the 12th month and continued from last meeting to assist the treasurer in collecting this Meeting's quota of money report $11.20 collected and forwarded to the Quarterly Meeting treasurer. (They) are continued and required to report to this Meeting in the 8th month next.
(P 150) The following named Friends are appointed in conjunction with a similar committee of Women Friends to unite with the Quarterly Meeting's committee to take into consideration the condition of the select body of this Meeting and to propose the names of Friends to our next Monthly Meeting for the station of Elders, viz: Calvin Barnard, George Coffin, Jesse Beals and Lewis Jones.
The meeting then concluded.
Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 7th month 16th A.D. 1870.
The clerk not being present Calvin Barnard was appointed for the day.
At a meeting of the joint committee of the Quarterly and Monthly Meetings to take into consideration the condition of the select body report the following named Friends to fill the station of Elders, to wit: Jesse Bales (Beals), Thomas Butler, Abigail Morris, Mary Bales (Beals), Amelia Butler and Elizabeth Holaday which being united with are appointed accordingly. The clerk is directed to furnish the Preparative Meeting of Ministers and Elders with a suitable extract of the above minute.
By an extract from the Quarterly Meeting, it appears that this Meeting is apportioned twelve and one half cents on the dollar.
(P 151) By an extract from the last Quarterly Meeting this Meeting is directed to raise $12.50 (twelve dollars and fifty cents), this Meeting's quota of Quarterly Meeting stock which the Treasurer is directed to collect and forward to the Quarterly Meeting Treasurer and report to next meeting.
This Meeting is united in appointing Lewis White, Lewis Jones and Calvin Barnard to inquire how many read the Holy Scriptures in a collective capacity and how many are not furnished with the Scriptures.
Solomon D. Edwards requests for our certificate of his right of membership for himself and minor children to Union Monthly Meeting, Jasper County, Mo., and this meeting appoints Allen Hayworth and Lewis Jones in conjunction with a like committee of Women Friends to prepare and produce one, if on inquiry they find nothing to hinder, to next meeting.
Jeremiah Hadly, a minister, acceptably attended this meeting and produced a minute of unity and concurrence from White Lick Monthly Meeting of Friends held first month 22nd 1870.
This meeting concludes.
Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 8th month the 20th A.D. 1870.
(P 152, 153, 154 missing)
(P 155) The committee appointed at last meeting in case of Thomas C. Dunbar and family's right of membership produced a certificate which was approved and signed.
The committee appointed at last meeting to propose to this the name of a Friend to serve this Meeting as clerk the ensuing year proposed Oliver Butler who being united with is appointed accordingly.
A certificate is received for Elizabeth Frazer and her minor daughter Jane Frazer from Lick Creek Monthly Meeting, Indiana dated 7th month 16th 1870.
Also a certificate for Mary Frazer from same Meeting and same date. The clerk is directed to acknowledge the reception of the above certificates and report to next meeting.
Calvin Barnard, Jesse Beals and Samuel Holaday are appointed to make arrangements for enclosing our burying grounds, ascertain the probably cost, solicit subscriptions to defray the same and report to next meeting.
This meeting concludes.
Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 10th month 15th 1870.
The Clerk being absent Jesse Beals is appointed for the day.
Our beloved Friend William Morris, a minister with whom we have unity, expressed in this meeting a concern to appoint some meetings in the limits of this and Cottonwood Monthly Meetings. After a time of deliberation this Meeting unites with him in his concern and he is encouraged to pursue his prospect as best wisdom may direct.
(P 156) Our beloved Friend Abigail Morris expressed in this meeting a willingness to accompany her husband Nathan Morris in his proposed religious visit as set forth in minute granted him by this Meeting, she being an elder in unity with us.
The Clerk informs he has not forwarded information to Lick Creek Monthly Meeting as directed at last meeting. He is continued and to report to next meeting.
Those appointed to make arrangements for enclosing our burying grounds, not being ready to make report, they are continued and directed to report to next meeting.
A certificate was received from Lynn Grove Monthly Meeting, Iowa, conveying to this meeting the right of membership of Sarah Jane Wygant bearing date 11th month 6th 1869. The clerk is directed to acknowledge the reception of the above certificate and report to next meeting.
This meeting concludes.
Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 11th month 19th 1870.
Thomas Butler, Jesse Beals and Allen Hayworth are appointed as our representatives to attend the ensuing Quarterly (Meeting) and return what may be given them in charge and report to next meeting.
A certificate was received for Silas Cook and Sarah his wife with their minor children, Robert, Elistus and Enos from Fairmount Monthly Meeting of Friends held 9th month 3rd 1870.
(P 157) The clerk is directed to inform Fairmount Monthly Meeting of the reception of Silas Cook's certificate for himself and family and report to next meeting.
The clerk informs this Meeting that he has not forwarded the information to Lick Creek Monthly Meeting as directed at last meeting. He is continued and directed to report to next meeting.
The Friends appointed to have charge of fencing the graveyard report that they have paid some attention to the subject. They are continued with the addition of Oliver Butler and Lewis Jones and are required to report to next meeting.
The clerk reports that he has given the information to Lynn Grove Monthly Meeting of the reception of Sarah J. Wygant's certificate.
A certificate was received for Lydia Davis from Cedar Creek Monthly Meeting of Friends, Iowa, held 8th month 11th 1870 and also one for Lucinda I. Luzadder from same place bearing same date and also one for Elizabeth Terrell from same place bearing same date. The clerk is directed to inform Cedar Creek Monthly Meeting of the reception of the above certificates and report to next meeting.
The meeting then concluded.
(P 158) Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 12th month 17th 1870.
The representatives report they all attended Quarterly Meeting and were given in charge our apportionment of the Yearly Meeting minutes and London General Epistle which has been mostly distributed.
The clerk reports that he has forwarded the information to Fairmount Monthly Meeting of the reception of a certificate for Silas Cook and family as directed at last meeting.
The clerk informs this Meeting that he has forwarded the information to Lick Creek Monthly Meeting of the reception of a certificate for Elizabeth Frazier and family as directed at last meeting.
The Friends continued at last meeting to have charge of fencing the graveyard, not being ready to report, are continued and directed to report to next meeting.
The clerk reports that he has given the information to Cedar Creek Monthly Meeting of the reception of certificates for Lydia Davis, Lucinda I. Luzadder and Elizabeth Terrell as directed at last meeting.
By an extract from the Quarterly Meeting, it appears the Monthly Meeting is directed to attend to the subject of education and First-Day Scripture Schools as set forth in the direction of the Yearly Meeting and furnish properly the reports
(P 159) therein called for and also to enter on our minutes the change and appointment of correspondents as set forth in the minutes of our last Yearly Meeting which are as follows:
For White River Monthly Meeting, Job Harris, Winchester, Indiana.
For Raysville Monthly Meeting, Charles S. Hubbard, Raysville, Indiana.
for Duck Creek Monthly Meeting, Ezra Spencer, Greensboro, Henry County, Indiana.
For Back Creek Monthly Meeting, Ellias Haisley, Fairmount, Grant County, Indiana.
For Fairmount Monthly Meeting, Jesse E. Wilson, Fairmount, Grant County, Indiana.
For Union Monthly Meeting, Samuel Weeks, Buck Branch, Jasper County, Missouri.
For Lawrence Monthly Meeting, Cyrus N. Frazier, Lawrence, Kansas.
For Spring Grove Monthly Meeting, Jesse Bailes (Beals), Lane, Franklin County, Kansas.
By an extract from our Quarterly Meeting, it appears that Spring Grove Monthly Meeting is directed to forward to Lewis Woodard, treasurer, the sum of $15.35 of which $9.10 balance due on former direction.
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