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(P 57 of minutes missing.)
(P 58) Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 3rd month 19th 1864.
The Meeting having no Clerk, Samuel Holaday was appointed for the day.
The Representatives report they all attended the Quarterly Meeting.
The Clerk having deceased, the following named Friends were appointed to forward the name of a Friend to serve this Meeting for Clerk the ensuing year: Calvin Barnard and Samuel Holaday.
Eunice Allen requests her right of membership for herself and family removed to Kansas Monthly Meeting. The following named Friends are appointed in conjunction with a like committee of Women Friends to make the necessary inquiry and if they find nothing to hinder, prepare and produce one to next meeting: Simon Jones and Thos. C. Dunbar.
The meeting then concluded.
Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held fourth month the 10th 1864.
This Meeting not having a Clerk, Samuel Holaday was appointed for the day.
The committee appointed at last meeting to propose to this the name of a Friend to serve this Meeting as Clerk report they have had the subject under consideration but not being ready to report are continued and directed to report to next meeting.
(P 59) The Friends appointed at last meeting to prepare a certificate for Eunice Allen and family report they find some objections in they way; they are continued and directed to report to next meeting.
Our beloved Friend Penelope Gardner, a minister, acceptably attended this Meeting and produced a minute of unity and concurrence from Kansas Monthly Meeting of Friends dated third month the 10th 1864 whose company and gospel labor have been satisfactory to us.
Also our beloved friend Huldah Wildon acceptably attended this Meeting and produced a minute of unity and concurrence from the same place bearing the same date.
This Meeting's Correspondent having deceased, the following named Friends are appointed to propose to this Meeting in the fifth month next the name of a Friend to serve in that capacity: C. O. Gause and Samuel Holaday.
The meeting then concluded.
Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held fifth month the 21st 1864.
This Meeting having no Clerk, Lewis Jones was appointed Clerk for the day.
A certificate was received from Lynn Grove Monthly Meeting dated fourth month the 9th 1864, conveying to this Meeting the right of membership and Solomon D. Edwards and Mahalah his wife with their minor children, Martha, Mary, Catharine, Eliza, Lucinda, Elizabeth, which was acceptable to this Meeting.
The first, second and eighth queries were read in this meeting with written answers thereto and the Clerk is directed to forward them to the Quarterly Meeting.
First Answer
All our meetings for worship and discipline have been attended though sometimes small in the middle of the week. No unbecoming behavior thereof to remark. The hour of meeting observed.
Second Answer
Love and unity preserved with most Friends. Talebearing and detraction discouraged; care taken to end differences when any appear.
Eighth Answer
Care is taken to deal with offenders seasonably and impartially and to endeavor to evince to those who will not be reclaimed in the spirit of meekness and love before judgment is placed upon them.
Solomon D. Edwards, Simon Jones and Asa Holaday (are appointed) to attend the ensuing Quarterly Meeting and report to next meeting what may be given them in charge.
(P 61) Alfred W. Wasson and Mary his wife request to become members of the Society of Friends. Calvin Barnard and Solomon D. Edwards are appointed in conjunction of Women Friends to visit them, account thereof and report to next meeting.
The committee continued at last meeting to propose a name for Clerk proposed James M. Dunbar with which this Meeting unites and he is appointed accordingly and C. O. Gause appointed to inform him of his appointment and report to next meeting.
The committee continued at last meeting in the case of Eunice Allen report not ready to report. They are continued with the addition of Calvin Barnard and directed to report when complied with.
The committee appointed at last meeting to propose the name of a suitable Friend for Correspondent report not complied with; they are continued with the addition of Solomon D. Edwards and directed to report to next meeting.
The committee appointed in the twelfth month last collect the several amounts of money for the Yearly Meeting stock and Whites Institute and Yearly Meeting house report it is ready. They are directed to forward it by the representatives to the Quarterly Meeting and report to next meeting.
The Clerk is directed to notify Lynn Grove Monthly Meeting of the reception of Solomon D. Edwards and family's certificate and report to next meeting.
(P 62) Charles O. Gause and Asa Holaday are appointed to propose the name of a Friend for assistant Clerk and report to next meeting.
C. O. Gause, Solomon D. Edwards, T. C. Dunbar and Simon Jones are appointed to open and have charge of a first day school and report to this Meeting the ninth month next.
This meeting concludes.
Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 6th month 18th 1864.
The representatives report they all attended the Quarterly Meeting and received nothing in charge for this Meeting.
The Friends appointed at last meeting in case of A. W. and Mary Wasson report that they have attended to the appointment with good satisfaction with which this Meeting unites and they are received into membership with Friends.
The committee continued at last meeting to propose the name of a Friend for correspondent propose the name of C. O. Gause and he is appointed accordingly.
The committee having charge of the several quotas of money report complied with the directions of last meeting.
The clerk reports complied with the directions of last meeting.
(P 63) The committee appointed at last meeting to propose the name of a Friend to serve this Meeting as an assistant clerk propose the name of Louis Jones and he is appointed accordingly.
Calvin Barnard is appointed trustee in place of Richard Mendenhall deceased.
This meeting concludes.
Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 7th month 16th 1864.
The following named Friends are appointed to propose to next meeting the name of a Friend to serve this Meeting as recorder: T. C. Dunbar, T. N. Jones, Calvin Barnard.
This meeting concludes.
Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held eighth month the 20th 1864.
The committee appointed at last meeting to propose to this the name of a Friend to serve this Meeting as recorder propose the name of Asa Holaday with which this Meeting unites and he is appointed accordingly.
All of the queries and answers thereto were read in this meeting from the Preparative Meeting, which being approved, are directed to be forwarded to Quarterly Meeting in which we appoint as our representatives Alfred W. Wasson, Simon Jones and Thos. C. Dunbar who are directed to return what may be given them in charge to next meeting.
(P 64) First Ans.
All our meetings for worship and discipline are attended though sometimes small in the middle of the week. No unbecoming behavior to remark. The hour of meeting pretty well observed.
Second Ans.
Love and unity preserved with most Friends; in one or two instances it is not maintained in which care has been taken. Talebearing and detraction discourage. Care taken to end differences.
Third Ans.
Friends appear concerned by example and precept for the education of their children and those under their care in the principles of the Christian religion and to some extent in plainefs of speech and apparel but not in every case to that extent that might be best; no reading of pernicious books that we know of; they are encouraged to read the Holy Scriptures.
Fourth Ans.
Clear in the forepart and no complaint in the later.
Fifth Ans.
No poor amongst us that come under the notice of that query.
(P 65) Ans. Sixth
Friends bear a testimony against priests' and ministers' wages, against slavery, oaths as far as we know of two instances of bearing arms; no complain in the other part of the query.
Ans. Seventh
No cause for complaint that we know of.
Ans. Eighth
Care is taken to deal with offenders seasonably and impartially. No cases that come under the notice of the other part of that query.
Annual Queries
First Ans.
Ans. Second and Third
No school under the care of Friends. Each family is furnished with a copy of the Holy Scriptures.
Fourth Ans.
The queries and answers were read as directed. The advices were read in this meeting.
The committee in regard to the Freedmen report that they have not been able to effect anything; they are continued and directed to report to this Meeting in the eighth month next.
The meeting then concluded.
Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 9th month the 17th 1864.
The representatives report they all attended the Quarterly Meeting except one for whose absence a sufficient reason was given and received in charge a copy of a minute from the Quarterly regarding the reading of the Holy Scriptures.
(P 66) The above minute being read in this meeting, Thos. C. Dunbar was appointed to make the necessary inquiry respecting that subject and report to next meeting.
The meeting then concluded.
Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 10th month 15th 1864.
The report concerning the reading of the Scriptures as follows: Four families daily, four occasionally, three not inquired of.
The subject taken into consideration of change of overseers being brought before this Meeting, the following named Friends were appointed for that purpose, A. W. Wasson, T. C. Dunbar, C. O. Gause, and if they think proper to propose the name of some suitable Friends to fill that station to next meeting.
The meeting then concluded.
Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 11th month 19th 1864.
The committee appointed at last meeting to take into consideration the change of overseers of this Meeting propose the names of Soloman D. Edwards and T. C. Dunbar to fill that station with which this Meeting unites and they are appointed accordingly.
(P 67) Samuel Holaday and James M. Dunbar are appointed as our representatives to attend the Quarterly Meeting and return to this Meeting in the twelfth month next what may be given them in charge.
A. W. Wasson and T. C. Dunbar are appointed to attend the Quarterly Meeting as caretakers and see to the orderly settling the Meeting and report to next meeting.
The meeting then concluded.
Spring Grove Monthly Meeting of Friends held 12th month 17th 1864.
The representatives report they attended the Quarterly Meeting and received in charge about thirty copies of the minutes of Indiana Yearly Meeting and about one hundred copies of the London General Epistle. They are to see that each family is furnished with a copy of each, the remainder to be deposited in the library for further distribution.
The committee continued in the fifth month last in the case of Eunice Allen and family produced the following certificate which was approved and signed and forwarded to Kansas Monthly Meeting.
This Meeting received a circular from the Bible Association of Friends which was read and considered. The minute of advice from our Yearly Meeting and the London General Epistle have been read in this Meeting; the advice and epistelory correspondence thereon contained was satisfactory and we trust edifying.
(P 68) The meeting then concluded.
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