Parsonage of church will be dedicated Sunday

Sunday, Spring Grove Friends Church will not only mark its 120th year of service to the Lane-Osawatomie area, but will dedicate its new parsonage.

The church began its services in one of the homes of a friend who lived in the area. The worked with the Indians of Kansas and with the early settlers. When Osawatomie was burned in 1856, many of the early settlers fled to the home of Richard Mendenhall, one of the early Friends settlers.

The present church (without additions) was erected in 1877. The annex additions were made in 1964 when the Leslie Wheelers were the pastors and in 1973 under the leadership of the current pastor, the Rev. June Worden.

The old parsonage, moved to the church property in 1946, was destroyed by fire June 23, 1977. The new parsonage was occupied by the pastor in May, 1978.

What started out to be a completed basement with house shell was erected. Then the congregation felt the challenge to complete the parsonage. The money to finish the parsonage was raised by holding garage sales, walk-a-thon, bike-a-thon, candy sales, ice cream socials, bake sales, individual cake sales and many individual gifts. The women of the church are compiling a cookbook, which will be sent to a publisher shortly. This is being published to provide funds for projects at the parsonage and the church.

Dr. John Robinson, the superintendent of Mid-America Yearly Meeting of Friends, Wichita will speak at the 10:45 morning worship service Sunday. His wife, Betty, will provide special music.

There will be a covered disk dinner in the church annex at 12:30 p.m.

Dr. Robinson will be the speaker at the 2:30 p.m. dedication service. The Rev. and Mrs. Charles Nutt, pastors of the Friends Church at Gardner, will provide special music for the service. There will be an open house and reception following the service.

At the 7:30 p.m. service, Phil Hickman and his father of Olathe will be in charge of the services.

The pastor invites all to attend the services of this special day. The church is located seven miles southwest of Osawatomie on the Lane road or four miles east of Lane.  |  |  Site Map